In the wake of the recent mass casualty event on Bourbon Street early New Year’s Day, which claimed multiple lives and left others gravely injured, University Medical Center New Orleans (UMC), in partnership with the Spirit of Charity Foundation, announced the establishment of the NOLA Strong Fund.
"In the face of unimaginable loss and heartbreak, our community consistently shows its true strength,” said John Nickens, CEO of University Medical Center New Orleans. “The NOLA Strong Fund is a testament to the resilience and unity that defines New Orleans and the Spirit of Charity. Together, we rise to support those impacted, ensuring that care, compassion, and hope are always available when it’s needed most. We show up, we take care, and we choose excellence. This is who we are, and this is how we heal – together."
“The Spirit of Charity Foundation is proud to partner with UMC for the NOLA Strong Fund, which will provide critical support for medical expenses, counseling services, and other essential needs for patients and their families,” said Warren Bell, president of the Spirit of Charity Foundation Board. “Standing NOLA Strong, this initiative aims to strengthen our community by fostering unity and encouraging others to contribute to the healing process.”
How to Help
UMC and the Spirit of Charity Foundation invite the community to join this effort and stand in solidarity with the victims and their families during this challenging time. Individuals, businesses, and organizations are encouraged to donate to the NOLA Strong Fund by visiting to support those affected by the tragedy.
For more information and to donate, visit .