STQN Announces 2024 Third-Quarter Medical Director’s Award

St. Tammany Quality Network (STQN) has presented its third-quarter Medical Director’s Award to Seth McVea, MD, for his outstanding performance in achieving pediatric quality goals. These goals measure completion of annual well child visits and immunization compliance, effective asthma treatment, and appropriate specialty medication monitoring.

“Dr. McVea provides excellent care for his patients. He has a unique and effective way of putting patients and their families at ease while tackling difficult issues,” STQN Medical Director Michael Hill, MD, said. “Dr. McVea collaborates well with the pediatric staff and has great ideas on improving patient care delivery.”

McVea is part of the St. Tammany Physician’s Network pediatric team. In spring 2024, he and his fellow pediatricians helped open the new St. Tammany Pediatrics clinic in Mandeville, which includes an integrated Express Care Kids afterhours and walk-in clinic.

He is also a fixture at local community outreach events, most recently appearing this month on the St. Tammany Health System podcast Northshore Healthbeat to answer listeners’ questions. 

McVea has been on the medical staff of St. Tammany Health System since 2022.  He graduated from LSU Medical School before completing a pediatric residency at Children’s Hospital in New Orleans.

