Ochsner Eat Fit Challenges You to Go #AlcoholFreeFor40

Registration is open for Ochsner Eat Fit and its annual Alcohol Free for 40 Challenge starting March 6, the Thursday after Ash Wednesday.

The challenge will come after a season of celebratory drinks and parties spanning from Christmas, New Year’s, and Mardi Gras. To encourage Louisianans to take a break from alcohol and make it their own self-experiment, the Alcohol Free for 40 Challenge has registrants monitor their progress and measure their results.

The Alcohol Free for 40 Challenge can lead to better sleep, increased energy, and improved focus within days. On average, participants in the challenge lose four pounds of body fat, reduce cholesterol by 13 points, lower triglycerides by 28 points, and improve systolic blood pressure. To support participants in abstaining from alcohol, this challenge provides resources, education, and support needed to benefit from this “wellness spring cleaning.”

“Whether it’s an official ‘resolution’ or more of a wellness reset, the start of the new year is time for reflection on being our best version of ourselves. This challenge allows us to succeed at doing just that,” said Molly Kimball, RD, CSSD, founder of Ochsner Eat Fit and Alcohol Free For 40. “Giving up alcohol for 40 days has a profound impact on our whole-body wellness, benefiting mind, body and spirit.”

Alcohol Free for 40 is launching statewide with kickoff events in six cities: New Orleans, Covington, Baton Rouge, Lafayette, Shreveport, and Monroe.

Visit OchsnerEatFit.com to learn more about the challenge and other ways to stay healthy.
