Lakeview Hospital Announces Daisy Award Winner

Lakeview Hospital presented the first quarter DAISY Award to OB/Peds nurse Julianna Maricelli. The DAISY Award is a nationwide program that honors and celebrates the work nurses do for patients and families every day. An obstetrical patient nominated Julianna and called her “the absolute Princess of Nurses.”

The nomination said, “She went to every extreme to make me feel comfortable. She made ice packs for my migraines with peppermint, which really was the best medicine for my ailment. She went so far as to make a homemade potpourri for my room using her own essential oils. I felt like I was in a luxury hotel. I was embraced by the spirit of love and compassion that I will remember forever. If only everyone could have a Julianna in their time of distress.”

“Julianna sets the bar very high regarding patient care and satisfaction,” said Jennifer Schmidt, chief nursing officer. “I want to thank her for her exceptional care for this patient and all her patients. She is a true asset to our team.”

