HJNO Mar/Apr 2025
HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF NEW ORLEANS I MAR / APR 2025 59 For weekly eNews updates and to read the journal online, visit HealthcareJournalNO.com us. Renaming Children’s Hospital New Orleans to Manning Family Children’s is a symbol of our shared commitment to providing children with the best possible care and support, right here at home, and for generations to come.” Over the coming months, Children’s will imple- ment a phased rebranding plan where the Man- ning Family Children’s name and brand will be represented across the network of Children’s entities. STHSWomen’s Pavilion Recognized for Patient Experience The St. Tammany Health System Women’s Pavilion has earned Press Ganey’s Human Expe- rience Pinnacle of Excellence Award and Guard- ian of Excellence Award for 2024. The Guardian of Excellence Award, which places the health system among the top 5% of healthcare organi- zations nationwide, honors performance in key patient experience survey measures in 15 award subcategories. Ochsner Super STEMTour A key component of Ochsner’s partnership with the New Orleans Super Bowl Host Committee was providing fun educational STEM opportunities for local students and teachers. Ochsner Educa- tion Outreach created the Ochsner Super STEM Tour with two components: a STEM curriculum of engaging activities and resources to help stu- dents, teachers and families develop active minds and bodies and an awards program for outstand- ing teachers and students in STEM. Over the past few months, Ochsner has hosted five Super STEM Bowls at schools in Greater New Orleans — Lake Forest Elementary, Lawrence Crocker, The Wil- low Middle School, Dr. John Ochsner Discovery School and Kenner Discovery School, reaching more than 3,000 students. STHS Names Jack Khashou NewChief Operating Officer Jack Khashou, a Northshore healthcare leader with more than 30 years of experience, has been named chief operating officer of St. Tammany Health System. He succeeds Sharon Toups, who will retire after serving in the role for 23 years. In his new role, Khashou will be responsible for daily operations of the health system, including oversight of ancillary and support departments. Khashou began a healthcare career in April 1993 and has held leadership positions — including a previous stint as COO — at for-profit and non- profit health systems throughout South Louisiana. He has been a part of St. Tammany Health System for the past 11 years. Most recently, he has served as administrator of St. Tammany Cancer Center — A Campus of Ochsner Medical Center, a joint venture of St. Tammany Health System and Ochsner MD Anderson Cancer Center; and as vice president in charge of St. Tammany Health System’s St. Tammany Quality Network, a clinically integrated medical alliance of more than 300 Northshore physicians. East Jefferson General Hospital Achieves VAD LCMC Health announced that East Jefferson General Hospital has received its Ventricular Assist Device (VAD) accreditation from DNV. A VAD is a small mechanical pump that sup- ports heart function and helps maintain blood flow in individuals with weakened hearts. These devices are often utilized for patients experienc- ing advanced heart failure who are not deriving sufficient benefit from medications alone. VADs may serve as short-term therapy while patients await a heart transplant or as a long-term solution to enhance heart function. The benefits include improved quality of life, extended life expectancy, better overall heart health and increased mobility and independence. This accreditation was also realized through LCMC Health’s partnership with Tulane University, which was finalized January 2023 and included an initial capital investment of $220 million to three LCMC hospitals, including EJGH. Ochsner Eat Fit Challenges Participants to Go # AlcoholFreeFor40 Registration is open for Ochsner Eat Fit and its annual Alcohol Free for 40 Challenge starting March 6, the Thursday after Ash Wednesday. The challenge will come after a season of cele- bratory drinks and parties spanning from Christ- mas, New Year’s, and Mardi Gras. To encourage Louisianans to take a break from alcohol and make it their own self-experiment, the Alcohol Free for 40 Challenge has registrants monitor their prog- ress and measure their results. The Alcohol Free for 40 Challenge can lead to better sleep, increased energy, and improved focus within days. On average, participants in the challenge lose four pounds of body fat, reduce cholesterol by 13 points, lower triglycerides by 28 points, and improve systolic blood pressure. To support participants in abstaining from alco- hol, this challenge provides resources, education, and support needed to benefit from this “wellness spring cleaning.” “Whether it’s an official ‘resolution’ or more of a wellness reset, the start of the new year is time for reflection on being our best version of ourselves. This challenge allows us to succeed at doing just that,” said Molly Kimball, RD, CSSD, founder of Ochsner Eat Fit and Alcohol Free For 40. “Giving up alcohol for 40 days has a profound impact on our whole-body wellness, benefiting mind, body and spirit.” Alcohol Free for 40 is launching statewide with kickoff events in six cities: New Orleans, Coving- ton, Baton Rouge, Lafayette, Shreveport, and Monroe. Visit OchsnerEatFit.com to learn more about the challenge and other ways to stay healthy. STHS Board of Commissioners Welcomes S. Dale Jenkins S. Dale Jenkins of Covington has been appointed to serve as a member of the St. Tam- many Health System Board of Commissioners. He fills the seat previously occupied by long- time board member James L. Core, who died in Jack Khashou
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