HJNO Mar/Apr 2025

JEANNE MARIE BAUDOUIN Jeanne Marie Baudouin is an experienced emergency professional with an MPS in homeland security and emergency management. She currently serves as the emergency management coordinator at UMC. Prior to her role at UMC, Jeanne Marie worked with the Louisiana Department of Health Region 1 Office of Public Health, where she worked extensively on Louisiana's COVID response as a member of the emergency preparedness teamand later servedas theCOVIDvaccinecoordinator.Her career is defined by her commitment to improving health and safety through effective emergency management and preparedness strategies. MISTY DUFRENE Misty Dufrene is a passionate and dedicated registered nurse with six years of experience at UMC. She specializes in acute patient care, holistic assessments, medication administration, and effective collaboration with multidisciplinary teams. Currently, she serves as charge nurse in the emergency department at UMC, where she leads the team, orients new staff, and contributes to emergency preparedness, including mass casualty and hazmat training. Her experience includes managing trauma patients, providing high-quality patient care in high-pressure situations, and continuously expanding her skill set, such as ultrasound-guided IV insertion and triage assessment. Misty has been honored with recognitions, including a 2020 Daisy award and a 2023 Great 100 Nurses honoree. JEFFREY ELDER, MD Jeffrey Elder, MD, serves as the chief medical officer at UMC. Elder has been a member of the LCMC Health family since 2009 and is also associate chief medical officer for emergency management for LCMC Health and an emergency physician for UMC. He also serves as a clinical associate professor of medicine in the LSU Health Section of Emergency Medicine and co-director of the Division of EMS and Disaster Medicine. Elder is board certified in emergency medicine with subspecialty board certification in emergency medical services by the American Board of Emergency Medicine. He is greatly respected as a dedicated leader and experienced physician in the New Orleans community. Elder is committed to leading UMC in delivering exceptional care and fostering collaboration with the hospital's academic partners to ensure the hospital remains a center of excellence. 20 MAR / APR 2025 I  HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF NEW ORLEANS ROUNDTABLE PARTICIPANTS