HJNO Jan/Feb 2025
HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF NEW ORLEANS I JAN / FEB 2025 49 For weekly eNews updates and to read the journal online, visit HealthcareJournalNO.com collaborative new partnerships, increase integra- tion of evidence-based strategies into our emer- gency protocols, and use the decades of prac- tice-based experience at Tulane and beyond to improve this region’s readiness for the emergen- cies of tomorrow.” The center will offer leadership development opportunities to boost flagging public health worker retention rates. It will also prioritize train- ings for specific real-world scenarios workers may face. The center will work to improve coordination between multi-sector partners by examining pre- vious disasters and identifying which institutional relationships should be bolstered prior to the next crisis. The center will also serve as an infor- mation and research hub that will collect and ana- lyze local level data on past emergency responses to offer tailored crisis readiness guidance rooted in evidence and region-wide expertise. “What triggers would signal a hospital to source potable water from elsewhere? Which partner- ships can improve regional storm shelter capac- ity? What are the medical needs we may see at a given shelter, and how do we marry disparate data sources to improve awareness between partners? By working to answer these and simi- lar questions, we hope to improve readiness and response time across the region,” Murphy said. While the types of emergencies each state faces can differ greatly and include wildfires, tropical weather systems, and tornadoes, Murphy said many health officials identified the same areas of preparedness that need improvement. Partic- ularly on the heels of the COVID-19 pandemic, multi-sector collaborations have never been more important, he said. Ascension DePaul Foundation Hosts Annual Gala Ascension DePaul Foundation New Orleans (formerly Daughters of Charity Foundation of New Orleans) will host its 11th Annual Keeping Our Promises Gala, presented by Quest Diagnos- tics, on April 12 at the Hyatt Regency, located at 601 Loyola Avenue in New Orleans. The evening will begin with a Patron Party at 6 p.m., leading into the Gala at 7 p.m. This event aims to raise funds to combat health disparities and ensure equitable access to high-quality healthcare for all members of our community. This year's event will honor Phyllis Taylor, Patrick F. Taylor Foundation, State Senator Royce Duples- sis, Robert Angelico, and Corey Hebert, MD, with the Inspired Cross Award, recognizing their dedi- cation to promoting healthy communities. Guests will enjoy live entertainment and danc- ing, food and beverages, and a silent auction. Patron Party tickets are available for $250, while Gala tickets can be purchased for $150. Questions about purchasing tickets and spon- sorships may be directed to Charles Robichaux, fund development manager, at (504) 212-9509 or charles.robichaux@dcsno.org . Louisiana Healthcare Connections Awards $150K in Grant Funding Louisiana Healthcare Connections has announced the award of $150,000 in grant fund- ing to five community organizations supporting a wide variety of health initiatives within Louisiana communities throughout the state. Community Health Grants from Louisiana Healthcare Connections fund nonprofits, health- care providers, and schools addressing the health plan’s strategic priorities of social determinants of health, increasing access to preventive care, pro- moting health equity, and improving health out- comes in Louisiana. Chosen from more than 150 applications, these grants represent major investments into the health of communities across Louisiana. The grant recipients include: • Second Harvest Food Bank will expand the Makin’ Groceries Mobile Market in the Acadiana and Southwest Louisiana regions, to provide 10,000 people with access to healthy and affordable food, serve as a resource to increase food literacy, and con- duct SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assis- tance Program) outreach with 500 people across nine parishes. • Rebuilding Together New Orleans will expand their Safe at Home program to assist low-income veteran, elderly, and disabled homeowners with critical home repairs for safety and access within the Greater New Orleans and Houma- Thibodaux regions. • Power Pump Girls combats period poverty and will add distribution channels to pro- vide more period products to be distributed by schools, shelters, and non-profit agen- cies throughout the Greater Baton Rouge region. • HGM Community Development Corpora- tion will enhance the effectiveness of its food distribution program in DeSoto Par- ish by installing a commercial, energy-effi- cient freezer to receive and distribute fro- zen foods through its food pantry and food delivery programs. • Food Bank of Northeast Louisiana will expand its Feeding Seniors food distribu- tion programs to ensure that 6,000 seniors monthly have access to proper nutrition throughout a 12-parish area with the Senior Grocery Box Program via drive-through dis- tributions and home delivery as well as pro- viding 225 seniors with SNAP application assistance. Louisiana Healthcare Connections will also ded- icate an additional $50,000 to funding at least 25 targeted, specific investments of $2,000 or less over the next year. Louisiana Healthcare Connections’ Commu- nity Health Grants launched in 2018 as part of the health plan’s efforts to combat food insecu- rity and other health issues in Louisiana. For more information, visit www.louisianahealth connect.com/grants. Thibodaux Regional Welcomes Russ Parks, MD, to the Medical Staff Thibodaux Regional Health System announced the addition of Russ Parks, MD, to the active medical staff. Parks has joined the practice of OrthoLA. Parks received a medical degree from Louisiana State University School of Medicine in Shreveport and completed an orthopaedic surgery residency at Ochsner Clinic Foundation in New Orleans. Additionally, Parks completed a spine surgery fel- lowship at Brown University in Providence. He is a member of the American Academy of Ortho- pedic Surgeons, the American College of Sur- geons, and the National Association of Spine Specialists. n
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