HJNO Sep/Oct 2024

48 SEP / OCT 2024 I  HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF NEW ORLEANS COLUMN  SENIOR HEALTH CAREGIVERS, especially those new to dealing with dementia, can benefit from specific strategies to support their loved ones. Learning effective communication techniques, practicing empathetic ap- proaches, and focusing on the needs and well-being of the person with dementia rather than on personal considerations can help caregivers provide more compas- sionate and effective support. Through- out my career, I have had the privilege of learning from numerous, remarkable and experienced professionals, some that I have worked closely with and some that I have admired from afar. However, two of these experts particularly stand out in my mind when I am working with someone with dementia: Naomi Feil and Jo Huey. Known for their innovative techniques and empathetic approaches, they have signifi- cantly influenced my practice. Despite my extensive professional experience in this field, I now find myself faced with personal family experiences that challenge my ex- pertise. It is different when it is your own loved one, and I felt the need to revisit and apply these techniques. Additionally, un- derstanding the distinct responsibilities of families and legal guardians is crucial in ensuring that each caregiver can provide the most appropriate support tailored to their unique role. Naomi Feil, an American social worker born in Munich in 1932, developed valida- tion therapy to help people with cognitive deficits and dementia communicate. Im- migrating to the U.S. in 1937, she grew up in New York and Cleveland, eventually earn- ing a master’s degree in social work from Columbia University. Feil’s innovative therapy, combining her theatrical back- ground with empathy, led to widespread teaching and training until her recent death in 2023 at the age of 91. Validation therapy is a communicative method for treating dementia that focuses on empathy and understanding. It allows individuals with dementia to feel acknowl- edged and preserves their dignity. This approach involves caregivers attentively listening to the emotions driving the be- haviors of those with dementia, especially those in late-stage dementia. This human- istic philosophy, as outlined by Naomi Feil EMPOWERING CARE: A Guide to Validation Therapy, Innovative Techniques, and the Distinct Responsibilities of Families and Legal Guardians for Elderly with Dementia