HJNO May/Jun 2024

HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF NEW ORLEANS I  MAY / JUN 2024 49 Melissa Brunvoll Marketing Director Assisted Living and Nursing Care Lambeth House they used to; difficulty hearing women or children; ringing in the ears, also known as tinnitus; difficulty hearing on the phone or television; among many other signs. Brumvoll When should patients get tested for hearing loss? Walsh It is a good idea to get a baseline audiogram, or hearing test, before you suspect a hearing problem. As with any medical issue, it is always best to know where you started to know if the condition has worsened. For those with a family history of age-related hearing loss, ringing in the ears (also known as tinnitus), noise exposure, or other conditions and risk factors for hearing loss, an annual hearing test is recommended. Brumvoll I’ve seen a lot of hearing aids that now function through the patients’ iPhone — does this technological advance seem to help even more than the traditional type of hearing aid? Walsh Almost all hearing aids dispensed today, with the exception of small, custom in-the-ear devices have the ability to connect to a cellphone via Bluetooth. Most connect directly to the phone. Some require an intermediary device to facilitate the connection. For many people, this has enabled them to use their hearing aids as a “Bluetooth headset” programmed for their individual prescription to provide appropriate volume for phone calls. This technology also provides the use of that hearing aid company’s app for volume adjustments, program management, and many other features otherwise not available to the end user. For people who can manage the complexity of evolving technology, these advancements in Bluetooth connectivity are a wonderful tool to supplement thewearer’s hearing aid use. This technology is not for everyone, though, as it can be overwhelming to troubleshoot and, as with all technology, does not perform flawlessly all of the time. When fitting the hearing aids, it is important to remember that hearing is our first priority; all other features are a bonus! Brumvoll What is one piece of advice that you would give to people as an audiologist to help maintain their hearing? Walsh The most important thing is to protect your hearing. Currently, there is no way to correct or reverse permanent, sensorineural (nerve) hearing loss. Prevention is key! n REFERENCES 1 Johns Hopkins Medicine. “Age-Related Hear- ing Loss (Presbycusis).” Accessed March 2024. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/condi- tions-and-diseases/presbycusis 2 National Institute on Aging. “Hearing Loss: A Common Problem for Older Adults.” Last re- viewed Jan. 19, 2023. https://www.nia.nih.gov/ health/hearing-and-hearing-loss/hearing-loss- common-problem-older-adults Melissa Brunvoll Are there any tactics that people can do to prevent age-related hearing loss? Melody Benedic Walsh, AuD, CCC-A There is nothing you can do specifically to prevent age-related hearing loss; however, it is important to always utilize hearing protection when in a hazardous noise environment, which includes activities people do not necessarily think of as harmful, such as cutting the grass, attending a festival, etc. Brumvoll Are there any risk factors that raise a person’s risk of developing age- related hearing loss? Walsh Yes, the biggest is a family history of age-related hearing loss. Others include some medical conditions, medications, noise exposure, and many more. Brumvoll I read that age-related hearing loss is gradual. Is there a certain timeframe in which it usually occurs, or are there certain changes people should be on the look out for? Walsh Age-related hearing loss is typically gradual, but the rate at which it declines varies from person to person because it is not usually the only factor leading to hearing loss. Common signs of hearing loss are difficulty in background noise; having to ask others to repeat more than “It is a good idea to get a baseline audiogram, or hearing test, before you suspect a hearing problem. As with any medical issue, it is always best to know where you started to know if the condition has worsened.”