HJNO Mar/Apr 2024

56 MAR / APR 2024 I  HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF NEW ORLEANS MEDICAL SOCIETY COLUMN MEDICAL SOCIETY I hope everyone had a fun and safe Mar- di Gras. Carnival season has always been a great time in Louisiana. While the rest of the country is enduring freezing tempera- tures and snow, we get to parade and en- joy the revelry of the season. From Mardi Gras balls and parades to festivals, there is always a lot happening in Southeast Loui- siana this time of year. MASELA has never been far off when it comes to celebrating. Hoping to keep the revelry and fun going a little further, MASELAheld the Celebration of Medicine in early March. The Celebration of Medicine recognizes the accomplishments of the many physi- cians in our area through awards, including special recognition to our members who have been physicians for 50 years. The skill and knowledge of these doctors is truly awe inspiring. Other awards presented include “Physician & Patient Advocate”and “Medical Role Model.”The event, including awardees, will be featured in our next Medical Society Column. During the Celebration of Medicine, the formal installation of officers for MASELA, Jefferson Parish Medical Society, and FROM CARNIVAL TO MEDICINE TO FESTIVALS, MASELAContinues to Celebrate New Orleans