HJNO Mar/Apr 2024
HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF NEW ORLEANS I MAR / APR 2024 47 Karen C. Lyon, PhD, MBA, APRN-CNS, NEA Chief Executive Officer Louisiana State Board of Nursing • Utilize lessons learned from COVID-19 to optimize the approval processes and delivery of the NCLEX examinations to candidates using technology. • Continue evolution of competence assessment, maintenance, and artic- ulation across changing career path- ways. 1 Changing population demographics and healthcare needs demand that prac- titioners, educators, and regulators work together in response to changing needs for modernization of occupational licensure. We are experiencing both shortages and maldistribution of healthcare profession- als. The need for remote healthcare is in- creasing. We need to do more to articulate nursing licensure across jurisdictions and promote telehealth practice. The promo- tion of efficient regulatory models that in- crease the mobility of nurses is essential, as are new models of healthcare delivery led by nurses. LSBN will continue our ef- forts to grow in these areas, forging solu- tions that create a respectful environment of diversity, inclusion, and excellence and embracing change as an opportunity to transform ideas into actions. n REFERENCES 1 Benton, D. “Strategic Initiatives Forum.” 2022 NCSBN Midyear Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri. March 16, 2022. The strategic imperatives, priorities, and tactics are in the development pro- cess. When completed, they will be pre- sented to the board for their approval at a future board meeting. Board leadership has requested that staff crosswalk LSBN’s strategic initiatives with those of the Na- tional Council of State Boards of Nursing presented below. Strategic initiativeA: Promote agile regu- latory systems for relevance and respon- siveness to change. • Evidence-informed decision-making. • Evolution of contemporary regulato- ry systems. • International thought leader. • Promotion of best practices benefit- ting public protection. Strategic initiative B: Champion regu- latory solutions to address borderless healthcare delivery. • Nurse Licensure Compact. • Coordinate licensure information across jurisdictions. • Increased consulting, education, and service delivery to provide safe and equitable patient care. • Focus on current and emerging issues for borderless healthcare. • Respond quickly to crises. • Achieve safe, efficient regulatory solutions that fit a complex, dynamic, digital age. Strategic initiative C: Strengthen the ca- pacity, capability, and diversity of regula- tory leadership and its engagement. • Active engagement of members, part- ners, and government. • Develop programs and services that support nurse regulatory perfor- mance. • Facilitate sharing of best practices, mentoring of talent, and diffusion of expertise. • Respond to generational changes in regulation and the policy environ- ment. • Leverage the role of the regulator in complex interdependent systems that secure public safety and minimize barriers to change. Strategic initiative D: Pioneer competen- cy assessments to support the future of healthcare and the advancement of reg- ulatory excellence. • Collaborate with jurisdictions in the use of NCLEX examinations for com- petency assessment that are psycho- metrically sound, legally defensible, and provide fidelity.
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