HJNO Mar/Apr 2024
44 MAR / APR 2024 I HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF NEW ORLEANS LDH CORNER diction and helping residents overcome this terrible disease and begin living happier and healthier lives. Whether it’s maternal health, mental health, family health, ensuring residents have safe drinking water and clean dining establishments, or any other areas our de- partment touches, LDH will work diligently to ensure you can do your jobs effectively and efficiently. While we have plenty of work to do, I am confident we can make significant progress, but only if we do it together. It is an honor to lead the department as we begin this jour- ney, and I look forward to all the milestones to come. n — Ralph L. Abraham, MD As secretary of the Louisiana Department of Health, Ralph L.Abraham,MD, leads the state’s largest agency with a budget of $19.1 billion and a team responsible for delivering services tomillions of Louisianans.LDH protects and promotes health for Louisiana residents through services provided byMedicaid and the Offices of Public Health,Behavioral Health,Citizens withDevel- opmental Disabilities,Aging andAdult Services,Wom- en’s Health and Community Health, and Emergency Preparedness.These programs work to ensure access tomedical,preventative,and rehabilitative services for Louisiana’s most vulnerable residents. are diligently working towards, two that are near and dear to me are maternal and be- havioral health. Maternal mortality rates in our state are still some of the highest in the United States. This isn’t just a concern but a full-blown cri- sis, and it is top-of-mind to everyone work- ing in the department. Together, we will en- sure a true focus on the whole health of our residents, and this includes expectant moth- ers. I hope to partner with our healthcare practitioners across the state to improve the wellness of women and their children from pregnancy to birth. Similarly, behavioral health is top-of- mind for myself, the department, and the new administration at large. While behav- ioral health includes many facets, including the aforementioned wellness of postpartum mothers, an area I am specifically passion- ate about is the addiction crisis that is raging throughout our state. I personally have seen the severe effects of addiction ravaging rural areas, but it is a problem that is affecting every parish in Louisiana. I look forward to building on the work LDH has done when it comes to ad- Ralph L. Abraham, MD Secretary of Health Louisiana Department of Health COLUMN SECRETARY’S CORNER AS we begin this new chapter together, I am excited to write this brief letter to discuss the immense possibilities and opportunities that lay ahead, not only for the department of health, but for providers across the state. A sincere focus on action and encourag- ing an ecosystem of community and care have always been crucial throughout my time as a physician, and it’s no different as I step into my new role as secretary for the Louisiana Department of Health (LDH). As healthcare professionals, you know the challenges we face throughout our state. While we have made significant strides in some areas, there’s still work to do, and it will take community, teamwork, and con- versation to ensure we are best serving our residents. As secretary, I vow to ensure you are equipped, informed, and prepared to offer services that enhance the lives of Louisian- ans. We are also here to listen and engage with you so the department can learn more about the challenges you’re facing, the op- portunities you’re seeing, and how we can collaborate to address them. While the department has many goals we A Letter from Our New Secretary of Health
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