HJNO Jul/Aug 2024

HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF NEW ORLEANS I  JUL / AUG 2024 65 Mark Rice, MD President MASELA To join MASELA, go to masela.org/join. THE LOUISIANAsummer heat is fast upon us. The Gulf of Mexico will surely be warm- ing up soon, and we will need to brace our- selves for the inevitable storms, as this hur- ricane season is predicted to be an active one. We know that even the storms that strike far fromLouisiana’s coast profoundly and dramatically affect our community. How many of you have seen patients from other states who are displaced due to storms? I know I see a lot in the emergency depart- ment. Now is the opportune time to remind your patients to solidify their disaster plans if they have not already done so. Likewise, we as healthcare professionals need to do the same with our practices to ensure pre- paredness before, during, and after such calamities. Hopefully, disaster-related travel won’t be part of anyone’s summer plans; howev- er, Jefferson Parish Medical Society (JPMS) and Orleans ParishMedical Society (OPMS) members will be traveling to Florida this August for the Louisiana State Medical So- ciety (LSMS) annual meeting, including the House of Delegates. Former JPMS president Dr. Richard Paddock will be completing his term as president of LSMS. The House of Delegates is the main democratic body for LSMS where many resolutions and busi- ness matters will be discussed and voted on for action. Your involvement in these dis- cussions is crucial for shaping our medical community’s future. By attending and par- ticipating, you can help influence important decisions and policies. I strongly encour- age you to take part in the LSMS House of Delegates. JPMS and OPMS members who would like to participate should contact Tara Winton at twinton@masela.org. The most recent legislative session was exceptionally dynamic and filled with sig- nificant activity. LSMS, JPMS, OPMS, and MASELA have collaborated on many lev- els to represent their members and to ad- vocate on their behalf. We certainly know how difficult stretching professional and personal time can be while managing an active medical practice. Fear not! Our or- ganizations are here for you, representing you, and fighting for you. With that said, if you have special knowledge or interest in being more active on a local or state level advocating for patients and physicians in our community, please let us know. We are here to support you and that is our main mission. We plan to share more information from the House of Delegates in the next is- sue of Healthcare Journal of New Orleans. I would like to say thank you on behalf of MASELA to all our state legislators. The job has been demanding, is only becoming more demanding, and is not an easy task. Bravo for doing what you do! As a reminder, caring for yourself as a healthcare provider is crucial. When our tanks are not 100% full, we cannot expect to give our patients 100%. It is essential to set aside time to care for both your mental and physical well-being. Prioritizing activ- ities that promote relaxation, mindfulness, and exercise can greatly benefit your over- all health. One great way to recharge your battery is to indulge in a brief staycation. Taking time to focus on rest and relaxation can go a long way to contribute to your own success. Recently, MASELA, JPMS, and OPMS partnered with NOLA Hotel Group to offer a discount of up to 25% on several local hotels for members — just one of many member benefits! Recently, our organizations seized an op- portunity to reconnect and rejuvenate at Le Bouchon Wine in the French Quarter. Immediately following the societies’ board of directors meetings held at Le Bouchon, those in attendance enjoyed a convivial so- cial mixer, sharing ideas, and strengthening connections, camaraderie, and a sense of community. Gathering outside the clinical environment has proven to be beneficial for our organization. These informal gather- ings foster strong relationships and spark fresh ideas for both our organization and community. The time spent together as a group was not only productive but also in- credibly enjoyable. We are planning more social events this year, so be on the lookout for opportunities to get together. We will be sharing event details through the “MASELA Minute,”our weekly email update. If you are not receiving these emails, please reach out to us at info@masela.org . You can also con- nect with us on social media for updates and announcements. n