HJNO Jan/Feb 2024

52 JAN / FEB 2024 I  HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF NEW ORLEANS COLUMN  SENIOR HEALTH ACCORDING TO Harvard Medical School, over 6 million Americans are living with heart failure. And, according to the Ameri- can Heart Association (AHA), it is one of the most common reasons that adults aged 65 and older go to the hospital. Heart fail- ure is a chronic illness, which means the symptoms usually present over time as the heart muscles become weaker and are less able to pump enough blood throughout the body. In celebration of American Heart Month, which occurs every February, the AHA publishes many resources for pa- tients and physicians alike to inform and raise awareness for this all-too-common disease. While it remains true that seniors are at more risk for heart failure and other heart problems such as atherosclerosis and angina, there are certain things that they can do to reduce their risk of heart failure and live a long and heart-healthy life. One of the most important things that seniors can do to live a heart-healthy lifestyle is to remain active as they age. Seniors should aim to be physically active for at least 30 minutes every day. Activities such as walking, yoga, and swimming are great ways for seniors to accomplish this goal. Harvard points out that although remaining active will help strengthen your muscles, including your heart, it will also help increase your awareness of any worsening heart failure symptoms, such as shortness of breath. The National Institute on Aging (NIA) recommends that seniors avoid spending most of the day sitting and encourages them to start by doing activities they enjoy, which can even CELEBRATING AMERICAN HEART MONTH: How Seniors Can Live a Heart-Healthy Life