HJNO Jan/Feb 2024

CHILDREN’S HEALTH COLUMN CHILDREN’S HEALTH CURRENTLY, an estimated 4.6 million children across the U.S. live in homes with at least one gun that is loaded and not securely stored. Each year, 350 children gain access to a firearm and unintention- ally shoot themselves or someone else — sometimes fatally. Additionally, over 700 children die by suicide with a gun annually. Guns have recently become the leading cause of death in children and teens across the United States. This is an especially big problem here in Louisiana. Nationally, Louisiana has the highest rate of unintentional shootings by children. In New Orleans, over the past five years, the number of patients that the Children’s Hospital Trauma Center has treated for gunshot wounds has more than doubled. Given that guns are now the number one cause of child death, it is of critical importance for parents and caregivers to understand, utilize, and encourage secure gun storage. Launching the Be SMART campaign in New Orleans In an effort to protect kids and reduce child firearm deaths, Children’s Hospi- tal New Orleans and the New Orleans Health Department have taken action by TACKLING A NEW LEADING CAUSE OF CHILD DEATH: Secure Gun Storage Awareness Campaign Makes an Impact 50 JAN / FEB 2024 I  HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF NEW ORLEANS