HJNO Sep/Oct 2023

HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF NEW ORLEANS I  SEP / OCT 2023 59 SCAN THE QR FOR INFORMATION ON JOINING MASELA THERE are several reasons why a physi- cian might choose to join a medical associ- ation. Firstly, medical associations provide a platform for physicians to connect and collaborate with colleagues who share sim- ilar interests and expertise. This network- ing opportunity allows for the exchange of knowledge and best practices, fostering pro- fessional growth and development. Additionally, medical associations, or societies as they are often known, often of- fer access to educational resources, such as conferences, seminars, and workshops, which can enhance clinical skills and keep members updated on the latest advance- ments in their field or on socioeconomic matters. These societies often provide op- portunities for continuing medical educa- tion (CME) credits and other education. Furthermore, being part of a medical as- sociation can provide a sense of belonging and community among peers. It allows in- dividuals to engage in discussions, debates, and collaborative projects that contribute to the advancement of medical science and patient care. Membership in a medical so- ciety can also enhance professional credi- bility and recognition within the healthcare community. There are several reasons why physicians might not want to join medical societies. The demographics of physicians are evolv- ing, with younger generations entering the workforce. Younger physicians may have different preferences and priorities when it comes to professional engagement and networking. Physicians have demanding schedules, leaving limited time for extracurricular ac- tivities. The increasing workload and admin- istrative burdens canmake it challenging for individuals to actively participate in medi- cal society activities or attend meetings and conferences. Membership fees and associated expens- es can be a deterrent for some physicians, particularly those in early career stages or facing financial constraints. With the advancement of technology, physicians now have access to a wide range of online resources, including medical jour- nals, webinars, and virtual conferences that can compete with medical societies. Physicians may have shifting priorities, placing patient care, research, or adminis- trative responsibilities above active involve- ment in medical societies. The future of medical societies or associa- tions is likely to be shaped by advancements in technology and evolving healthcare needs as well as greater collaboration between different healthcare disciplines. This could lead to the formation of interdisciplinary societies that bring together professionals from various fields, such as medicine, nurs- ing, pharmacy, and allied health, to address complex healthcare challenges. It’s important to note that the role of med- ical societies will depend on various factors, including technological advancements, so- cietal changes, and the evolving needs of healthcare professionals and patients. As these factors continue to evolve, medical societies will likely adapt and innovate to remain relevant and valuable to their mem- bers and the healthcare community. Overall, joining a medical association or society offers numerous benefits, including networking opportunities, access to educa- tional resources, professional development, and a sense of community. The Medical As- sociation of Southeast Louisiana (MASELA) has a variety of ways in which you can get engaged and benefit from networking with your colleagues. Did you know that the written words above were not primarily mine, but were fromChatGPT with some modification?All I did was ask ChatGPTwhy someone might want to join a medical society and reasons why they might not. Of course, I adjusted some of the responses to be more appropri- ate for what I knewwould be pros and cons. Are you ready for artificial intelligence (AI) to penetrate your work environment? MASELA is dedicated to bringing informa- tion to physicians to better help them un- derstand and useAI. Are you ready to useAI to decrease your work burden? Is AI going to replace some of our services? Physicians will have to be leaders for AI in healthcare. In some areas, the use of AI will allow us to become better diagnosticians and work more efficiently. The Medical Association of Southeast Louisiana has a variety of ways in which you can become engaged and benefit from networking with your colleagues. MASELA provides opportunities to network with phy- sicians in your area who are dealing with the exact same issues. n To join MASELA, go to masela.org/join. Discounted membership fees are available for the remainder of the year. Gabriella Pridjian, MD, MBA President MASELA