HJNO Nov/Dec 2023
HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF NEW ORLEANS I NOV / DEC 2023 47 Melissa Brunvoll Marketing Director Assisted Living and Nursing Care Lambeth House Cognitive health support According to researchers at Columbia University, one in 10 older Americans has dementia, while 22% have mild cognitive impairment. 3 Luckily, AI has started to play a crucial role in supporting the cognitive health of older adults. Cognitive train- ing apps and virtual reality experiences can engage seniors in brain-stimulating activities that may help slow down their cognitive decline and improve their cog- nitive function. Tech company, MyndVR, who is the leading provider of immersive digital therapeutics for aging adults across the U.S., aims to do just that. Through the combination of immersion and connectiv- ity, MyndVR can “reduce sundowning and agitation, improve communication and socialization, and help create new memo- ries while reinforcing old ones.” 4 The ac- tivities coordinators at Lambeth House have implementedMyndVr’s virtual reality technology to allow residents to immerse themselves in experiences such as explor- ing the streets of Rome or hiking a nature trail. Without these advancements in tech- nology, activities such as these would not be possible. Medication management Managing multiple medications can be overwhelming for seniors, leading to med- ication errors and adverse effects. AI-pow- ered medication management systems can help seniors organize and take their medications correctly. These systems can provide reminders, dispense medications in the correct dosage, and track adherence to treatment plans. Additionally, AI algorithms can analyze a senior’s medication history and medical records to identify potential drug inter- actions or contraindications. Pharmacist Hayley Burgess, chief clinical officer at VigiLanz, says that the use of AI for medi- cation management and preventing errors is “truly transformative.” She says, “poten- tial errors or inconsistencies in prescrip- tions can be flagged, triggering pharma- cists to intervene sooner to avoid adverse drug events.” 5 Recent AI advancements in medicine are revolutionizing senior care by ad- dressing the unique challenges faced by older adults. From early diagnosis and personalized treatment plans to remote monitoring, fall detection, and cognitive health support, AI is enhancing the quality of healthcare and the overall well-being of seniors. As the field of AI in medicine con- tinues to evolve, we can expect even more innovative solutions that empower seniors to live healthier, more independent lives. With the aging population, these advance- ments are not only beneficial, but also es- sential for improving senior healthcare outcomes and ensuring a higher quality of life in their golden years. n REFERENCES 1 Nia, N.G.; Kaplanoglu, E.; Nasab, A. “Evalua- tion of artificial intelligence techniques in dis- ease diagnosis and prediction.” Discover Ar- tificial Intelligence 3, no. 1 (Jan. 30, 2023): 5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/ PMC9885935/#:~:text=AI%20has%20proven%20 significant%20accuracy,survival%20rate%20 and%20treatment%20response 2 LeadingAge. “AI Pilots Underway, but Older Adults Are Hesitant.” July 14, 2023. https://leadingage.org/ai-pilots-underway-but- older-adults-are-hesitant/ 3 Columbia University, Irving Medical Cen- ter. “One in 10 Older Americans Has De- mentia.” Oct. 24, 2022. https://www. cuimc.columbia.edu/news/one-10-older- americans-has-dementia#:~:text=Share%20 this%20page&text=In%20the%20first%20 nationally%20representative,22%25%20have%20 mild%20cognitive%20impairment 4 MyndVR. “Senior Living.” Accessed September 2023. https://www.myndvr.com/senior-living 5 Loria, K. “Utilizing AI for Medication Manage- ment.” Drug Topics 167, no. 7 (July 13, 2023). https://www.drugtopics.com/view/utilizing-ai- for-medication-management Remote monitoring and telehealth As mobility decreases, seniors often face challenges accessing healthcare facilities outside their home. This can unfortunately lead to delayed diagnosis and treatment. AI-driven remote monitoring solutions are bridging this gap by enabling continu- ous monitoring from the comfort of the patient’s own home. Wearable devices and sensors equipped with AI technology can track vital signs, detect falls, and provide real-time data to healthcare providers. Telehealth platforms powered byAI also offer seniors convenient access to health- care professionals via video calls, chatbots, and virtual health assistants. These plat- forms can provide medical advice, moni- tor chronic conditions, and offer medica- tion management. However, according to LeadingAge, some seniors are hesitant to utilize AI. 2 Only 20% of people ages 65 and over say they are “somewhat comfortable” with AI-led primary care. Hopefully over time, seniors will become more comfort- able with utilizing these programs. Fall detection and prevention Falls are a significant concern for se- niors, often leading to injuries and hospi- talization. AI has made substantial strides in fall detection and prevention. Smart cameras and sensors can analyze gait pat- terns and detect changes that may indicate an increased risk of falling. Machine learn- ing algorithms can also predict when a fall is likely to occur based on historical data, and they can notify caregivers and medical professionals in real time. Furthermore, AI-powered rehabilitation programs can assist seniors in regaining their mobility and balance after a fall or injury. These programs provide personal- ized exercises and monitor progress, help- ing seniors regain their independence and reduce the risk of future falls.
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