HJNO Mar/Apr 2023

HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF NEW ORLEANS I  MAR / APR 2023 57 For weekly eNews updates and to read the journal online, visit HealthcareJournalNO.com oversaw all operations of the organization, which provided research support to the Southeast Lou- isiana Veterans Health Care System. Kleehammer has a master’s degree in business administration from the A.B. Freeman School of Business at Tulane University and a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the Manship School of Mass Communication at LSU. Terrebonne General Health SystemHonored as Platinum Hospital Partner by LOPA Terrebonne General Health System received the 2022 Platinum Award, the highest honor awarded, for extraordinary efforts in the Workplace Part- nership for Life (WPFL) Campaign, rebranded as DoNation, from the Louisiana Procurement Agency (LOPA). DoNation unites U.S. workplaces of all sizes and across all industries to promote a donation-friendly workplace culture and, most importantly, to encourage new organ, eye, and tis- sue donors to sign up. Platinum recognition signi- fies Terrebonne General’s commitment to being a workplace partner, spreading awareness, and pro- moting donor registration. To achieve this distinction, Terrebonne Gen- eral Health System continues to honor organ, eye, and tissue donors by supporting LOPA’s events during the year and also uses available resources to spread awareness and information at every opportunity. Specifically, Terrebonne Gen- eral hosts educational programs such as Sudden Impact; conducts social media and communica- tion campaigns; hosts donor memorial services, a flag-raising ceremony, and donor honor walks; and participates in National Blue and Green Day. The shared goal of the campaign is to save lives and create a positive culture of organ donation across the nation — within America’s workplaces and beyond. In 2009, Terrebonne General created the Wall of Heroes to spotlight this mission and recognize our local organ, eye, and tissue donors. Today, the wall features over 160 photos of community mem- bers who have passed away but live on in others through the gift of life. “We are proud to support LOPA’s mission to promote organ, eye, and tis- sue donation,” said Phyllis Peoples, Terrebonne General president and CEO. “We realize organ and tissue donation's positive impact on recipi- ents and a donor’s family.” LCMCHealth, Tulane University Finalize Partnership LCMC Health and Tulane University announced that the organizations have finalized their part- nership, following approval from the Louisiana Department of Justice. Through this partnership, Tulane Medical Center, Lakeview Regional Medi- cal Center, and Tulane Lakeside Hospital will join LCMC Health. “The shared vision between LCMC Health and Tulane University to provide unparalleled patient care and medical research advancements in Southeast Louisiana made this partnership a nat- ural fit,” said LCMC Health CEO Greg Feirn. “As we integrate our operations, we are able to make locally-based decisions that best serve the com- prehensive and specialty care needs of patients in our region.” All employees at the three HCA hospitals — Tulane Medical Center, Tulane Lakeside Hospi- tal, and Lakeview Regional Medical Center — will continue to have jobs under the partnership as well as new and expanded opportunities for growth and advancement. The combined organi- zation will also mean more investment in ground- breaking research, innovative technology, and life- saving treatments. “I can’t overstate how important this partner- ship will be to improving healthcare and boosting medical research in our community,” said Tulane University President Michael A. Fitts. “Combin- ing the best community healthcare with the lat- est advances in academic medicine will provide the best care for our families, friends and neigh- bors while helping to drive our region’s economy.” The integration of Tulane University’s facilities with LCMC Health will take place over the next 12-24 months. Operations at all facilities will con- tinue as normal while LCMC Health and Tulane collaborate to ensure a seamless transition for patients, physicians, and staff. Over time, Tulane Medical Center will shift the majority of its services to East Jefferson Gen- eral Hospital and University Medical Center New Orleans. This will create expanded opportuni- ties for comprehensive, integrated care at facili- ties that can support new growth and provide an enhanced patient experience. This approach will increase access to compre- hensive care in downtown New Orleans and cre- ate expanded hubs for specialty care, innovation, and academic medicine in both Orleans and Jef- ferson parishes. This partnership is part of Tulane University’s transformative commitment of $1 billion to Loui- siana’s economy. This commitment will emphasize commercialization of research and entrepreneur- ship and include reimaging of the Charity Hospi- tal and Tulane Medical Center buildings. Together, these facilities will house a new nursing program, clinical research programs, educational space for students, an exponential increase in space dedi- cated to research, as well as graduate programs in public health, social work, and medicine. All told, these efforts will create an estimated 2,300 jobs in New Orleans and across Louisiana. These jobs will come in areas across clinical, educational, and support departments, helping to attract and retain talent in the local commu- nity. Through this partnership, Tulane University’s new nursing program will help address the nursing shortage in Louisiana by expanding the pipeline of students entering the nursing field — making Terrebonne General Health System Honored as Platinum Hospital Partner by LOPA