HJNO Jan/Feb 2023
44 JAN / FEB 2023 I HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF NEW ORLEANS NURSING COLUMN NURSING at the College of Nursing, Montana State University, and Deborah Trautman, PhD, RN, FAAN, president and CEO of theAmer- ican Association of Colleges of Nursing. State issues addressed on this day includ- ed the current landscape of the Louisiana nursing workforce, perspectives from li- censed practical nurses, understanding the intersection of the Louisiana Healthworks Commission and Nurse Supply and De- mand Council with the nursing workforce in the state, health inequities, and social determinants of health, and a report from our colleagues in Texas on moving various stakeholders in nursing toward alignment in solving workforce challenges. Day two of the summit was held at the Pennington Biomedical Research Con- of Practical Nurses, the Louisiana Chapter of the National League for Nursing, the Louisiana Action Coalition, and All Things Professional, LLC. The Nursing Syner- gy Summit provided an opportunity for thought leaders to generate ideas and de- velop actionable next steps to ensure that Louisiana has a diverse nursing workforce that is sufficient in number, well qualified, and able to meet the healthcare needs of our state’s citizens. The summit was a combination of a vir- tual conference and the World Café for- mat. On Nov. 10, participants heard from national nursing leaders including Peter Buerhaus, PhD, RN, FAAN, professor of nursing and director of the Center for In- terdisciplinary Health Workforce Studies ON Nov. 10 and 11, 2022, nursing leaders including deans and directors of schools of nursing, chief nursing officers, and other key stakeholders from across Lou- isiana came together to address the most pressing challenges impacting nursing supply and demand within the state’s cur- rent landscape and to work on solutions to these pressing problems. The conference was the brainchild of the Louisiana State Nurses Association (LSNA) and included representatives from the Louisiana State Board of Nursing, the Louisiana Council of Administrators of Nursing Education, the Louisiana Association of Advanced Prac- tice Nurses, the Louisiana Organization for Nursing Leadership, the Louisiana Hospi- tal Association, the Louisiana State Board CREATING SOLUTIONS for Nursing Challenges Through Synergy and Cooperation
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