HJNO Jan/Feb 2023
LDH 2023 PLAN Goal 1: Continue the Executive Internship Cohort Program in FY23 to provide current college students with real- time industry experience, visibility, and exposure to various aspects of LDH. Strategy: Build the FY23 Executive Internship Program upon the foundations set forth in the FY22 business plan, cultivating a learning en- vironment that encourages continuous devel- opment through exposure to various public service career options while identifying and nurturing skill sets for future success. Goal 2: Build succession plans for 20% of critical positions within LDH. Strategy: LDH HR will expand the formal suc- cession planning program and pilot a quarter- ly talent review, identifying key roles, skill sets and boost productivity. These strategies cre- ate a healthier, more effective work environ- ment which results in higher levels of service to the residents we serve. Goal 1: Expand the Workforce Devel- opment Training Program throughout Medicaid by hiring and training an additional 100 individuals. Strategy: Fill 35% of the 100 vacant Medic- aid analyst and administrative coordinator positions with Medicaid enrollees. Utilize re- cruitment strategies by participating in out- reach events such as job fairs and community events/festivals as well as visiting nontradi- tional areas like rural shopping centers. De- velop and execute a communications plan to promote career opportunities plan to pro- mote career opportunities. Goal 2: Decrease vacancies for difficult- to-fill professional-level direct support positions in LDH’s 24-hour state facilities in FY23. Strategy: The COVID-19 pandemic significant- ly impacted facilities’ ability to recruit candi- dates to fill perennially difficult-to-fill profes- sional-level direct support positions such as licensed practical nurses, registered nurses, social workers, and psychologists. To improve recruitment and build a pipeline of behavioral health clinicians, LDH’s 24-hour state facilities section will partner with institutions of higher education to expose students to clinical op- portunities in nursing, social work, occupa- tional therapy, and psychology, and engage with the local communities of the facilities. Commitment 3 / Initiative 9 / Goal 1 Commitment 3 / Initiative 9 / Goal 2 Commitment 3 / Initiative 10 / Goal 1 Commitment 3 / Initiative 10 / Goal 2 required for those roles, and future potential across the Department. Initiative 10: Expand Workforce Development Training Program Evidence shows health insurance and steady employment remain key factors to im- proving overall health outcomes. In May 2022, LDH met its FY22 business plan goal of hiring 100 Medicaid analysts through a pilot Work- force Development Training Program. Though the annual turnover rate for ad- ministrative coordinators and Medicaid ana- lysts continues to increase (15%), Medicaid is actively building on lessons learned from FY22 and continues to seek innovative ways to attract potential hires and retain current employees. These positions, which are located state- wide, are vital to the operations of offices and require training to understand and help assist others with the Medicaid eligibility process. LDH will continue its partnership with Loui- siana Civil Service, the Louisiana Workforce Commission, and other state partners in of- fering job skills training to fill positions within LDH. The Medicaid Eligibility Division strives to recruit, retain, and empower employees through training opportunities and a dynam- ic work environment. Continuous process improvements, remedial trainings, and pro- fessional development along with evidence- based strategies such as flexible work sched- ules, out-stationing, and telecommuting encourage work-life balance, improve morale, VIEW FULL BUSINESS PLAN AT ldh.la.gov/businessplan COMMITMENT 4: Improve Performance, Accountability, and Compliance COMMITMENT 5: Strengthen Customer Service, Partnerships, and Community Relations Initiative & Goals can be found in full business plan. Initiative & Goals can be found in full business plan.
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