HJNO Nov/Dec 2022
50 NOV / DEC 2022 I HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF NEW ORLEANS MEDICAL SOCIETY COLUMN MEDICAL SOCIETY AT THE RECENT ANNUAL MEETING of the Medical Association of Southeast Louisiana (MASELA), I shared our orga- nization’s progress and the value we have already created since our founding by Jef- ferson and Orleans Parish medical societ- ies inNovember 2020.The annual meeting was well attended and included an excel- lent and thought-provoking presentation by Michael F. Myers, MD, a renowned psy- chiatrist, physician health and suicide ex- pert, author, speaker, teacher, adviser, ad- vocate, and editor. His presentation was entitled, “Thriving in Medicine…Despite Everything.” I appreciate being able to communicate MASELA’s progress and the value we have already contributed to phy- sicians and the entire medical community. MEMBERSHIP GROWTH Membership is unified with founding societies, JPMS and OPMS. We’ve added 162 new members in the last year includ- ing 31 newmembers in the last 30 days. We have momentum. VALUE: COVID UPDATE SERIES THAT PROVIDED TIMELY EDUCATION We have coordinated 16 successful COVID updates with JPMS and OPMS with participation of more than 2,500 unique physicians throughout Southeast Louisi- ana. MASELA was the first in area to offer timely information to all physicians fea- turing state and local health officials and physician specialists. VALUE: MEMBER AND FAMILY EVENTS TO ENCOURAGE COLLEGIALITY MASELA, together with JPMS and OPMS, hosted summer happy hours, which encouraged networking, and family events to encourage fun and engagement, which were attended by 75 physicians and friends. More will be planned. VALUE: LIFEBRIDGE PHYSICIANS REVITALIZATION PROGRAM NOW AVAILABLE We launched our confidential, compli- mentary, independent, self-referred coun- seling program for physicians to enhance personal and professional balance. Three complimentary counseling visits with qualified professional therapists are pro- vided to full-time working active members of MASELA. For more information, go to masela.org/lifebridge. VALUE: TWO VIOLENCE PREVENTION FORUMS BEING COORDINATED WITH THE NOLA COALITION MASELA has joined The NOLA Coali- tion — the grassroots violence prevention group of over 400 organizations and busi- nesses — and is planning two violence fo- rums for physicians and public. MASELA is pleased to participate in this community- wide effort. VALUE: PRACTICE ENHANCEMENT WORKSHOPS TO IMPROVE PHYSICIANS’ PROFESSIONAL SATISFACTION Beginning with “Taming Your EMR,” which helped physicians learn how to use their EMRs more efficiently by working with their IT department and to delegate tasks to help them spend more time with patients, MASELAwill offer programming, including “Business of Medicine,” that is aimed at improving professional satisfac- tion regardless of how or where a physi- cian practices medicine. VALUE: PHYSICIANS HAVE A STRONG AND UNIFIED VOICE Jefferson and Orleans Parish medical societies, the two founding parish societies of MASELA, have equal representation on the board to bring areawide issues and op- portunities forward to ensure a unified ap- proach. The 12-member board brings phy- sicians’ issues to the table for discussion. VALUE: COMMITTEE ENGAGEMENT TO ADDRESS PHYSICIAN CHALLENGES MASELA offers members an opportuni- ty to get engaged in the work of the asso- ciation on behalf of key member areas as determined by focus group input. There MASELA’s on the Move Celebrating Our Organization’s Progress
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