HJNO Jul/Aug 2022
HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF NEW ORLEANS I JUL / AUG 2022 63 For weekly eNews updates and to read the journal online, visit HealthcareJournalNO.com South that received an “A” grade from Leapfrog. The others are: • Ochsner Baptist Medical Center. • Ochsner Medical Center - Hancock. • Ochsner Medical Center – Kenner. • Ochsner Medical Center – Baton Rouge. • Ochsner Medical Center - North Shore. • Ochsner St. Mary. • Ochsner Medical Center - West Bank. • Leonard J. Chabert Medical Center* (Och- sner Partner). • Ocean Springs Hospital (Ochsner Partner). • Pascagoula Singing River Hospital (Ochsner Partner). • Singing River Gulfport Hospital (Ochsner Partner). • St. Bernard Parish Hospital (Ochsner Partner). • St. Charles Parish Hospital (Ochsner Partner). • St. Tammany Health System (Ochsner Partner). St. Tammany Health System Earns A-grade for Safety For the 13th grading period in a row, St. Tam- many Health System has once again received an A for patient safety from the Leapfrog Group, an independent healthcare consumer protection organization. Tulane Lakeside Hospital Maintains ‘A’ Safety Rating Tulane Lakeside Hospital was awarded an “A” rating from The Leapfrog Group, an independent hospital quality watchdog. Terrebonne General Health SystemBoard of Commissioners Appoints NewBoard Chairman, Vice-Chairman Terrebonne General Health System and South- ern Regional Medical Corporation (SRMC) Board of Commissioners announced the appointment of Angelique T. Barker, CPA, as chairman and Earl Eues Jr. as vice chairman. Barker joined the board of commissioners in 2013. She previously served as vice chairman of the board and as chairman of the Terrebonne Gen- eral Finance Committee. She obtained a Bache- lor of Science in accounting from Nicholls State University. Barker is a certified public accountant and a member of the American Institute of Certi- fied Public Accountants (AICPA), the Government Finance Officers Association, the Association of Government Accounts, and the Louisiana Society of CPAs. Barker is employed as an audit partner at Stagni & Company, LLC. She has more than 35 years of public accounting experience with a con- centration in audits of governments and nonprofit organizations. She also has experience in finan- cial institutions, construction, and small business. Eues joined the board of commissioners in 2019. He obtained a Bachelor of Science in biology from Nicholls State University. Eues is the owner of KEE Environmental Services, LLC, an environmental consulting firm located in Houma and established in 2006. He has more than 30 years of experience in environmental regulatory, permitting, and assessment. Eues also has 25 years of emergency management experience and currently serves as the director of the Terrebonne Parish Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness. Eues is a member of the Louisiana Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Pre- paredness Shelter Task Force, Region 3 Louisiana Response Network (LERN) Commission, St. Vin- cent De Paul Tri-parish Pharmacy, Houma Rotary Club, and Knights of Columbus. Our Lady of the Lake Assumption Recognized as Acute Stroke Ready Hospital Our Lady of the Lake Assumption Community Hospital is now recognized as an Acute Stroke- Ready Hospital in the Louisiana Stroke System thanks to a new Telestroke remote care system. This technology is new to the Assumption Parish community and will allow hospital staff to quickly treat stroke patients. AVALAHospital Offers Customizable Lens After Cataract Surgery Satya Reddy, MD, with Louisiana Cornea Spe- cialists performed cataract surgery at AVALA Hos- pital utilizing RxSight customizable light adjust- ables lens (LAL). The LAL technology enables ophthalmolo- gists to customize a patient’s vision after cataract surgery. “Small variations in healing happen in most eyes. With the LAL, we have the opportunity to correct vision for patients and provide an option specific to their individual eyes,” said Reddy. GRAIL, Ochsner Health Announce Partnership GRAIL, LLC, a healthcare company whose mis- sion is to detect cancer early, and Ochsner Health (Ochsner) announced a multi-faceted partnership to improve cancer detection rates in Louisiana using Galleri, GRAIL’s multi-cancer early detection (MCED) blood test. Ochsner, through a collabora- tion between its Ochsner Cancer Institute and Pre- cision Medicine program, will offer the Galleri test by prescription to eligible patients in Louisiana. The partnership includes the launch of an MCED Health Equity Demonstration Program, an initia- tive to improve cancer detection rates for under- served populations in Louisiana and to develop a model for deployment of innovative technolo- gies in community settings. In addition to deploy- ing Galleri, the initiative includes identification of educational and access gaps and barriers to Angelique T. Barker, CPA Earl Eues, Jr.
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