HJNO Jan/Feb 2022

64 JAN / FEB 2022  I  HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF NEW ORLEANS Hospital Rounds primary and specialty care. Additionally, Dr. Basow will lead the team focused on investing further in new digital health ventures,” said Warner Thomas, president and CEO, Ochsner Health. Basow received an undergraduate degree from Duke University and a medical degree from Bay- lor College of Medicine. She completed a resi- dency at Johns Hopkins University and practiced internal medicine for several years before joining UpToDate, a part of Wolters Health division, which produces software systems. Terrebonne General Health System’s Teresita McNabb Appointed to LA State Board of Nursing Terrebonne General Health System congratu- lates Vice President of Nursing Services Teresita McNabb, RN, MSHSA, NE-A, CLNC, for being appointed by Gov. John Bel Edwards to the Loui- siana State Board of Nursing (LSBN). The board is composed of registered nurses and public mem- bers appointed by the governor. It exists to serve the people of the State by providing leadership to protect the public and advance nursing in Louisi- ana. The mission of LSBN is to safeguard the life and health of the citizens of Louisiana by assur- ing persons practicing as registered nurses and advanced practice registered nurses are compe- tent and safe. McNabb has been an employee of Terrebonne General for more than 35 years. She currently holds the position of vice president of nursing services, in which she is responsible for develop- ing and implementing the hospital’s plan for pro- viding nursing care to patients in multiple settings. Children’s Hospital NOCompletes $300MCampus Expansion Children’s Hospital New Orleans, along with its donors, community supporters, medical school partners, staff and providers, celebrated the grand opening of the hospital’s expanded campus, as its $300 million campus transformation reaches completion. The expanded campus includes 230,000+ square feet of new clinical care space, enabling the growth of signature services, including heart care, cancer care, surgical and emergency ser- vices, along with a new, free-standing Behavioral Health Center. Enhanced by family housing, gar- dens, playgrounds and green space, Children’s Hospital’s expanded campus delivers patient and family-centered care with an extraordinary experience. Terrebonne General Health SystemHonors Fritz Rau, MD, with the Golden Stethoscope Award Terrebonne General Health System presented Fritz Rau, MD, general surgeon, with the Golden Stethoscope Award. The award is designed to publicly recognize a Terrebonne General Health System physician for his or her exceptional level of professionalism, integrity and teamwork in car- ing for patients and families, as well as interact- ing with hospital staff members and other phy- sicians. The program asks for nominations from physicians, employees, patients and volunteers and recognizes two physicians a year. Rau attended college at Nicholls State Uni- versity, received a medical degree from Louisi- ana State University and completed a residency at Charity Hospital in New Orleans. He is board- certified in surgery by the American Board of Sur- gery and has been on staff at Terrebonne Gen- eral since 1983. Roux for a Reason Donates to Terrebonne General | Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center Roux for a Reason recently donated $40,000 to Terrebonne General | Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center. On June 7, 2021, the Roux for a Reason team hosted a golf tournament instead of their normal gumbo cook-off from which the funds were raised. This donation is dedicated to funding a compre- hensive nutrition program at Terrebonne General | Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center. The program will provide a full-time registered dietitian on staff in the Cancer Center, allowing every patient free access to education and nutrition support before and during their treatment. Terrebonne General Health SystemEarns Most Wired Recognition Terrebonne General Health System earned the 2021 CHIME Digital Health Most Wired recog- nition by The College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME). Terrebonne General was recognized as a certified level eight out of 10 in two categories, acute and ambula- tory care, and is one of only three in Louisiana to receive this designation. Some of the innova- tions that Terrebonne General was recognized for include offering EPIC medical record system and providing MyChart, a patient portal system that offers instant access to medical records, as well as the Terrebonne Connect Bar, which pairs patients with technology. The CHIME Digital Health Most Wired pro- gram conducts an annual survey to assess how effectively healthcare organizations apply core and advanced technologies into their clinical and business programs to improve health and care in their communities. DCHCOffers Monoclonal Antibody Treatment to Fight COVID-19 Infections All patients, regardless of their ability to pay, may receive monoclonal antibody therapy to treat COVID-19 virus infections at DePaul Community Health Centers (DCHC). Much of DCHC’s target patient population would benefit from this ther- apy, which has been shown to dramatically reduce the likelihood of hospitalization for COVID-19 pos- itive patients. Patients may call (504) 212-9505 for more information. COVID-19 positive patients (ages 12 and older) who are at risk for developing severe disease are eligible to be treated with monoclonal antibody therapy. These patients include those over 65 and are immunosuppressed and/or have comorbid conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, obe- sity, chronic lung disease, heart disease, cancers, pregnancy, chronic kidney disease, etc. This ther- apy has been shown to reduce the risk of hospital- ization and death by 71% for those who test posi- tive for COVID-19. DCHC administers monoclonal antibody ther- apy through the subcutaneous route (beneath or under all the layers of the skin) and requires a one-hour monitoring post-injection period. Stacy Greene, MD, DCHC’s infection disease lead, believes it’s important that the community knows that this therapy is available at a commu- nity health center. n