HJNO May/Jun 2021

52 MAY / JUN 2021 I  HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF NEW ORLEANS COLUMN MEDICAL SOCIETY CELEBRATING PHYSICIANS and physi- cians-in-training is critically important to the Medical Association of Southeast Lou- isiana (MASELA). Given the challenges of practicing medicine today, MASELA is the physician’s advocate to the public and stakeholders about the value that we bring to the healthcare system and to the quality of life in our communities. As a professional association, it is an important responsibility for MASELA to celebrate physicians, and we will take ad- vantage of opportunities to recognize phy- sicians for the dedication and commit- ment they make to our communities every day. During March, there were two such opportunities to show our appreciation: first for physicians-in-training and then for all physicians. These celebrations were particularly important as physicians have been at the forefront of the COVID pandemic. March 1-5 was designated nationally as Residents & Fellows Week. The education- al process to become a practicing physi- cian is rigorous. It includes four years of medical school, 3-5 years of residencies and additional years of fellowship depend- ing on the chosen specialty. An integral part of the training of a physician is ap- plying that knowledge in patient care set- tings. Under the supervision of attending physicians, hospitals count on the “house staff,”as residents and fellows are called, to provide much of the care that is given. MASELA recognized and thanked res- idents and fellows for being the “engine” of medical care in most of our hospitals throughout Southeast Louisiana and rec- ognized the personal sacrifices that are re- quired along their educational journey. MASELA values the voices of residents and medical students. The board of direc- tors of MASELA includes a medical student representative and a resident/fellow rep- resentative. These positions are present- ly held by Will Boles, a medical student at LSU, and Blake Denley, MD, an emergency medicine resident at Ochsner Health. In addition, MASELAhas initiated anAc- ademicMedicine & Physicians-in-Training MASELA Celebrates Residents&FellowsWeekandDoctors’Day, ProudtoBeaPhysicianCampaignInitiated