HJNO Mar/Apr 2021

46 MAR / APR 2021 I  HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF NEW ORLEANS Juan Gershanik, MD Co-President Medical Association of Southeast Louisiana COLUMN MEDICAL SOCIETY What is the Medical Association of Southeast Louisiana? Juan Gershanik, MD The Medical Associa- tion of Southeast Louisiana (MASELA) is a new professional association for physi- cians practicing in the Southeast Louisiana region. MASELAwill be the voice of physi- cians, patients and the community. Why did Southeast Louisiana need another medical association? Gershanik Orleans Parish Medical Society (OPMS) and Jefferson Parish Medical So- ciety (JPMS) have a rich history of serving our physicians and patients. OPMS was founded in 1878 during the Yellow Fever Epidemic. It provided a way for the phy- sicians to come together to share cases and determine the best way to treat the ill. JPMS was founded in 1959 as the Jefferson Parish population grew and there was a greater need for physicians. Our respec- tive missions stopped at the parish line, but diseases and public health challenges affect the entire region. In addition, physi- cian practice challenges are regional also. By joining forces and founding MASELA, we will have a stronger, unified voice for physicians and patients in area. Together, we can be more successful in advocating for physicians and the public’s health. Isn’t MASELA “just another medical society?” Tanya Busenlener, MD No, it’s not, because it was created for physicians by physicians. We’ve spent two years creating an organi- zation that meets the needs of physicians and patients. This medical society was created by physicians who wanted a more effective, responsive organization. We did our homework. We distributed a survey to all physicians and held focus groups to learn more about the struggles of physi- cians in their ability to deliver quality care. We used that input to develop the form and function of MASELA. There isn’t another medical society like it in the region. MASELA membership is open to all MDs and DOs and physicians in training in the Southeast Louisiana region whether full or part-time, in private prac- tice, group practice, employed, academia, public health, Veterans Affairs, military, residents or medical students. Our vision to “build a better boat” be- came a reality when MASELA was found- ed. The Mission, Vision and Values of the Medical Association of Southeast Louisiana (MASELA): A Conversation with the Co-Presidents of MASELA