HJNO Jan/Feb 2021

HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF NEW ORLEANS  I  JAN / FEB 2021 49 Jan Kasofsky, PhD Vice President of Behavioral Health & Human Services Access Health Louisiana preference, they may do best by drawing a picture or using the arts to express them- selves. Listen carefully. They may not un- derstand their feelings enough to fully ex- press them, but it’s how they are feeling, so don’t interrupt or guide them. Once they are ready to dialogue, you’ll likely hear is- sues of loss of control and issues of grief or loss. Problem solve with them, if they are able, to identify what will give them a sense of control. Are they looking for a daily routine that supports them academi- cally or socially; are they looking for ways to connect with friends from a distance or virtually; do they need more “down time” or more scheduled time; do they need an athletic or creative outlet? You can help them come up with these answers, but you must start with learning about their needs. Just listening and then clarifying or shar- ing information with them that may be helpful canmake a difference. Joy Osofsky, PhD, the Paul J. Ramsay Endowed Chair of Psychiatry, Barbara Lemann Professor of Child Welfare from the Departments of Pediatrics and Psychiatry at the LSU Health Sciences Center, notes that “most children will be resilient and return to typ- ical functioning when they receive consis- tent support from sensitive and responsive caregivers. What is most helpful is a secure relationship where children feel comfort- able and safe expressing their feelings. It is also very important for parents and care- givers to communicate with children that the current difficulties and uncertainties are temporary.” To help children and adolescents build their self-confidence, ask them to tell you about their past successes and/or how they overcame past setbacks. Reinforcing past successes instills in them a belief in overcoming present and possible future challenges and gives a sense of control. You can use your child’s own words to reinforce how they can set goals and rou- tines and to establish projects that can be successful going forward. Although there are still many unknowns about COVID-19, answer your child’s questions honestly; you may read or watch media reports together to gain a better un- derstanding, but limit how much time you and they are exposed to ongoing coverage. If you believe your child needs profes- sional help to sort out the many issues they face, know there are many options in this area. Due to the expansion of tele- therapy, this option makes appointments convenient for adults and children. These are unprecedented situations that we, as adults, never had to face as children. If you see that your child’s developmental trajec- tory has reversed or grinded to a halt – that their behavior is different or has become problematic or challenging to themselves, others or you – if you notice emotion- al dysregulation, sleeping or eating too much or too little, heightened irritability, or social or emotional withdrawal, it is time for an intervention by a profession- al. Remember this pandemic is not going away magically, and it is the very nature of a prolonged period of uncertainty to wear parents and children down. Decide to take control positively. If issues in your house can be resolved within your family or cir- cle of friends, that’s great. But do not pro- crastinate if professional help is needed to set a positive plan in place for you as the caregiver or for those who rely on you at home. We are truly all in this together, so let’s make it for the better with resiliency and hope for the new year. n “Most children will be resilient and return to typical functioning when they receive consistent support from sensitive and responsive caregivers. What is most helpful is a secure relationship where children feel comfortable and safe expressing their feelings.”