HJNO Sep/Oct 2020

We’re all human, but we’re not all the same. lifestyle habits, or where we live—can reveal important insights about our health. By participating in the All of Us Research Program, you may learn more about your health than ever before. To learn more and enroll, contact us at: that make all the E: allofus@tulane.edu W: https://bit.ly/tuctu T: (504) 988-0650 FB: @tulaneresearch IG/Twitter: @tulanectu Tulane’s Clinical Translational Unit and the All of Us Research Program Welcome to Tulane’s home of audacious clinical researchers. Tulane University’s Clinical Translational Unit (CTU) is located in the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine in downtown, NewOrleans. We are transforming the clinical and translational researcheƒorts of our regionaway fromthe status quo. Our goal is to reduce the time required to facilitate the journey of science from the laboratory to community health centers. Our innovative clinical research expands across the medical horizon; from stem cell and regenerative medicine to orthopedics, diabetes, hypertension, asthma, food allergies, tobacco use, and somuchmore! Don’t just hope for change, be a part of it. Help discover the right treatment , for the right person , at the right time by learningmore about the All of Us Research Programat JoinAllofUs.org/Tulane.