HJNO Nov/Dec 2020

38 NOV / DEC 2020 I  HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF NEW ORLEANS COLUMN PEDIATRIC KEEPING ATHLETES SAFE DURING COVID-19 PLAYING organized sports is beneficial for kids in so many ways. Being an ath- lete improves physical health and teaches important lessons about teamwork and self-discipline. Exercise can also help re- duce kids’ stress levels and improve their quality of sleep. As kids return to sports, there are many ways to keep our student athletes and coaches healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic. Using guidelines put in place by the Cen- ters for Disease Control 1 and Louisiana’s Office of Public Health 2 , our 5-12 schools and sports leagues have been asked to ad- here to public health guidelines designed to promote a healthy and safe fall sports season. COVID-19 precautions during sports activities include: • Players and coaches should partici- pate in frequent hand hygiene before, during and after sports activity. Wash hands with soap and water or utilize hand sanitizer throughout the day. • Avoid sharing personal items such as water bottles, sports equipment, clothing items and towels. • Adults and children over the age of two years should wear masks when around others. • Avoid touching the face whenever possible. • Utilize social distancing practices during all training activities includ- ing weightlifting, conditioning, film review and any other group activities. • Appropriately clean all personal items and sports equipment on a reg- ular basis. • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces at home and on the CHILDREN’S HEALTH Fall is in the air, and now more than ever, kids are excited to get back to playing the sports they love like soccer and football. After many months of COVID-19, school and sports are starting up again.