HJNO May/Jun 2020
HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF NEW ORLEANS I MAY / JUN 2020 39 For weekly eNews updates and to read the journal online, visit HealthcareJournalNO.com New Orleans Emergency Medicine faculty col- leagues Dr. Joseph Kanter, assistant state health officer and Region 1 medical director at the Lou- isiana Department of Health, and Dr. Jennifer Avegno, director of the New Orleans Health Department, to set up the step-down unit. The monitoring station will ease the burden on acute care hospitals. It provides a quarantined environment for COVID-19 positive patients to receive basic medical services, including admin- istering limited amounts of oxygen, blood glu- cose monitoring for diabetic patients, bedside care, IV fluid intervention if needed, and taking vital signs, among others. LSUHealth Dental Schools Aims to Produce PPE for Providers “I want to be able to provide my residents as well as all other residents, faculty, staff, and all healthcare providers, not only at University Medical Center, but at other LSU Health teach- ing hospitals, and those across the country with the very best protection possible,” said Robert Laughlin, DDS, MD, chairman of oral and maxillo- facial surgery at LSU Health New Orleans School of Dentistry. His concern for and admiration of those com- bating COVID-19 on the front lines of patient care are what drove a collaboration that is pro- ducing reusable personal protective equipment (PPE) that affords the highest level of protection. With the shortage of disposable N95 masks as well as the filters for the reusable ones, Laughlin approached Dr. Karen Bruggers, head of prosth- odontics at LSU Health New Orleans School of Dentistry, with the idea of using the School’s 3D printers in a new way. They developed a prototype N95 mask with an added feature. The mask itself is made of a com- plex polymer, a hardened material that can easily be cleaned with a disinfectant and then reused. “In order to provide filtration, we have coupled these with an inline anesthesia filter, which has an N99 filter inside that prevents 99.99 percent of bacteria and viruses from passing through the filter,” said Laughlin. “The filter inserts into the mask.” The project also includes printing visors of the same polymers to which a comfortable foam band is attached as the framework for face shields. These provide a barrier against aerosol and respiratory droplets. They too can be disin- fected and reused and are needed for LSU Health New Orleans dentists and oral surgeons who are treating dental emergencies, as well as those working in the hospitals. Bruggers assembled a team of Dr. Alika Yu, director of laboratory services and associate pro- fessor of clinical prosthodontics, Dr. Jorge Pala- vicini, assistant professor of prosthodontics, and four dental laboratory techs – Suleiman Hamdan, Paul Nguyen, Julio Zavala, and Edwin Kee – to work on the project. “They have converted the 3D printers that are normally used to print models, surgical guides, splints, and dentures to making PPE,” Bruggers explains. “One of the limiting factors is the speed at which the equipment can produce this PPE,” said Laughlin. “We have applied for a grant to obtain high-speed equipment that would increase our production multifold in getting this invaluable equipment out.” “They are producing as fast as they can, and we are happy to get them where they are needed,” noted Bruggers. One of those places is the ICU at University Medical Center. Along with LSU Health New Orleans Pulmonary Critical Care faculty and resi- dents, Laughlin’s Oral Surgery residents are taking care of the sickest COVID-19 patients there now. LSUHealth NewOrleans Nursing Students Resume Clinical Education Students in the Traditional Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Degree Program at LSU Health New Orleans School of Nursing will resume their clinical education next week, initially at West Jef- ferson Medical Center. “Clinical faculty will be teaching students as well as providing patient care in the clinical setting,” noted Jennifer Manning, DNS, APRN, CNS, CNE, associate dean for the Undergraduate Nursing Program and associate professor of Clinical Nurs- ing at LSU Health New Orleans School of Nursing. Chad Roy, director of infectious disease aerobiology at Tulane National Primate Research Center, will lead the project to evaluate the nation’s most promising vaccines and treatments against COVID-19.
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