HJNO May/Jun 2020
HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF NEW ORLEANS I MAY / JUN 2020 31 For weekly eNews updates and to read the journal online, visit HealthcareJournalNO.com research efforts for WHO and the Global Out- break Alert and Response Network as they work to prevent the outbreak from spreading into a global epidemic. DCHC Provides Free Dental Services on Give Kids A Smile Day DePaul Community Health Centers (DCHC), formerly Daughters of Charity Health Centers, offered free dental services for Give Kids A Smile Day at the healthcare organization’s Carrollton health center. Services for children ages two to 17 included free dental screenings and fluoride treatments. Give Kids A Smile was launched nationally by the American Dental Association in 2003. Since that time, more than five million underserved chil- dren have received free oral health services. Tulane Surgery Clinic Northshore Adds NewOncology Services Tulane Surgery Clinic Northshore – which opened last year on the Lakeview Regional Medical Center campus with Tulane Transplant Institute and Tulane Bariatric Center services – is now adding women’s gynecological oncology and head and neck cancer surgical services. The Tulane clinic now offers diagnosis and treat- ment options for female pelvic cancers, including ovarian, fallopian tube, primary peritoneal, uter- ine, cervical, vaginal, and vulvar cancers. “Gynecological cancer is an intensely personal diagnosis,” said Dr. Jessica Shank, a Tulane Can- cer Center physician board-certified in gyneco- logic oncology, obstetrics and gynecology, who is staffing the clinic. “That’s why I think it’s so important to have a diverse team of women car- ing for women, from diagnosis to treatment to survivorship.” In addition to the new clinic hours, Shank will also perform some surgical procedures at Lakev- iew Regional, reducing the need for her North- shore patients to travel for care. That is also true for patients requiring head and neck cancer services. Dr. Rizwan Aslam, a board- certified ear, nose, and throat specialist at Tulane, will provide diagnosis and treatment options for thyroid and salivary gland issues, as well as dis- eases and tumors of the larynx, at the Northshore clinic. “When you need to see a doctor, you proba- bly don’t feel well and you don’t want to travel any more than is necessary,” said Aslam, who will also perform some surgical procedures at Lakev- iew Regional. “We’re excited to be able to bring our services closer to new communities and make it easier for these patients to get the care they need.” Tulane Surgery Clinic Northshore is located on the fourth floor of Lakeview Regional, 101 Judge Tanner Blvd., Suite 404. Herzing University Moves to Larger Space inMetairie Less than a year after launching a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program, Herzing University-New Orleans announced it will relo- cate its local campus to Metairie. The new loca- tion will provide a more spacious, modern, and DePaul Community Health Centers offered free dental services for Give Kids A Smile Day at the healthcare organization’s Carrollton health center.
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