HJNO Mar/Apr 2020
58 MAR / APR 2020 I HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF NEW ORLEANS Hospital Rounds information derived from this type of data analy- sis, which is used to create national, regional, and state benchmark reports. These reports help CoC facilities with their quality improvement efforts. St. Tammany Health System in Top 10 Percent US Hospitals for Neuro, Spine, and Overall Care CareChex named St. Tammany Health System among the top 10 percent of hospitals in the nation for spine and neurological care as well as overall medical, hospital, and surgical care. Addi- tionally, the national quality rating agency deemed STHS number one in Louisiana for interventional coronary care and trauma. The spine and neurological designations add credence to last month’s national recognition by Healthgrades, naming St. Tammany among Amer- ica’s 100 Best Hospitals for Spine Surgery. The overall hospital, medical, and surgical excel- lence designations reflect St. Tammany’s decades’ long quality, safety and patient experience perfor- mance, including national recognitions by Leap- frog and U.S. News as well as accreditation by The Joint Commission. Earning #1 in Louisiana for trauma care reflects the hospital’s longstanding commitment to supe- rior quality emergency care and its verification this year of Trauma Level 3 status by the State of Loui- siana and American College of Surgeons. Earning #1 in Louisiana for interventional cor- onary care is yet another indication of the hos- pital’s decades’ long proven track record as the highest quality, highest volume heart hospital on the Northshore. LCMCHealthMarketing Team Garners 11 Pelican Awards from the Louisiana Hospital Association LCMC Health and its hospitals’ marketing teams, including Children’s Hospital, New Orleans East Hospital, Touro, University Medical Center New Orleans, and West Jefferson Medical Cen- ter, recently received awards for exceptional work in marketing, advertising, and public rela- tions awarded annually by the Louisiana Society of Hospital PR and Marketing of the Louisiana Hos- pital Association (LHA). A highlight of the day was the presentation of a Golden Pelican Award to the LCMC Health Marketing team, named Team of the Year. Bill Masterton, CEO, LCMC Adult Hospital Market, was in attendance to present the award to the team. Awards presented to the system and hospitals include: LCMC Health • Pelican Award (Brochure/Other Print Publica- tion): Little Book of Extras • Pelican Award (Internal Writing): Brand Launch Teaser Email Campaign • Pelican Award (Internal Event): Brand Launch Day Children’s Hospital New Orleans • Pelican Award (Presentation): Give CHNOLA Day • Pelican Award (Invitation): 2019 Sugarplum Ball Invitation • Pelican Award (Digital Marketing Campaign): Virtual After Hours New Orleans East Hospital • Certificate of Merit (Advertising Campaign): Heart Campaign Touro • Pelican Award (Results/ROI, Single Hospital): “Every Stage” OB\GYN Campaign West Jefferson Medical Center • Pelican Award (Email Marketing): Mammogram campaign • Certificate of Merit for Presentation: Listen to Your Heart (patient story) Warner Thomas Recognized as one of the 100Most Influential People byModern Healthcare Ochsner Health System announced that War- ner Thomas, president and CEO, was recognized by Modern Healthcare as one of 2019’s 100 Most Influential People in Healthcare. This prestigious recognition program acknowl- edges and honors individuals who are deemed by their peers and the senior editors of Modern Healthcare to be the most influential individuals in the industry, in terms of leadership and impact. Thomas, number 64 on the list, joins the ranks of such notable healthcare executives and pol- icymakers as Centers for Medicare and Medic- aid Services Administrator Seema Verma; Amazon Chairman, President and CEO Jeff Bezos; Apple CEO Tim Cook; and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar. Thomas first joined Ochsner in 1998 and served as president and chief operating officer for 14 years until becoming president and CEO in 2012. Thomas has led the academic health system in embracing technology through innovationOch- sner, which integrates solution-based artificial intelligence and digital tools. He is focused on advancement through growth and development, which is evident as the health system continues to ensure that quality healthcare is available through- out the Gulf South through strategic partnerships and affiliations. In September, Lafayette General Health announced its intention to merge with Ochsner and the combined system will result in the largest and most comprehensive healthcare provider in the Gulf South. “This year’s selection process was contentious and difficult. Many healthcare organizations made bold strides in the continued transformation of the industry. Many others were more cautious during a year that brought uncertainty over how the law of the land might change as a result of a federal court decision,” commented Aurora Aguilar, Mod- ern Healthcare editor. “The honorees chosen this year by Modern Healthcare and our readers are those who were fearless in their risky strategies and unapologetic in their rationale. Whether you agree with the compiled list or not, you can’t argue with the influence of these 100 healthcare leaders. Congratulations to those honorees.” “It is an incredible honor to be recognized by Modern Healthcare as one its 100 most influen- tial people and a testament to our talented team of physicians, nurses, administrators and employ- ees,” said Thomas. “Whether it’s tackling chronic disease through digital medicine programs or Warner Thomas
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