HJNO Mar/Apr 2020

HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF NEW ORLEANS I  MAR / APR 2020 53 Jim Pittman Executive Director Orleans Parish Medical Society (OPMS) from Universidad Nacional de Rosario Faculty of Medicine in the city of Rosa- rio, province of Santa Fe, Argentina. Dr. Gershanik serves as a clinical professor of pediatrics at Tulane University Medical School and LSU Health New Orleans. He was recently appointed faculty advocate for equity, inclusion & accessibility, for LSU Health New Orleans’ Department of Pediatrics. Dr. Gershanik is passionate about advo- cating for causes that support the needs of children with disabilities and their families. He also authored a resolution and testified before the Louisiana House Health and Welfare Committee in 2019 for Tobacco 21 legislation (HB38), and plans to contin- ue advocating for legislation that protects children and newborns from the harmful impact of tobacco and other addictions. “Orleans and Jefferson Parish Medical Societies have played an important role of serving as a voice for physicians in South- east Louisiana for a long, long time,” said Dr. Gershanik. “I look forward to working with Dr. Busenlener in building upon the collaborative efforts that blossomed un- der the leadership of our immediate past presidents, Dr. George Ellis and Dr. Gabe Rivera, and the Collaborative Advisory Committee.” In January, the new presidents joined fellow delegates from Jefferson and Orle- ans Parish Medical Societies, and through- out the state, at the Louisiana State Medi- cal Society’s House of Delegates. Together they advocated for resolutions to improve health and the practice of healthcare in Louisiana, including one that would help to protect children from lung injury and potentially life-long nicotine addiction by banning the sale of flavored tobacco prod- ucts. Gabriel Rivera, MD, now serves as im- mediate past president. Other 2020 offi- cers for JPMS include: Mark R. Rice, MD, vice-president; Eric R. Ehrensing, MD, sec- retary; Jonathan C. Boraski, MD, treasurer; Harold J. Miller, MD, chairman, Board of Censors; Lindsay York Fanaci, MD, mem- ber-at-large; and Lisa Casey, MD, member- at-large. In 2020-2021, George S. Ellis, Jr., MD, will serve as immediate past president for OPMS. Michael L. Wheelis, MD, will serve as president-elect, and Ann E. Borreson, MD, takes over the role of treasurer. Mi- gnonne C. Mary, MD has recently joined the full OPMS board as an at-large mem- ber. Drs. Rivera, Ellis, Busenlener, and Ger- shanik were instrumental in leading col- laborative efforts to develop a new organi- zation, along with a collaborative advisory committee that consisted of past-presi- dents of both organizations. "I am happy to welcome the new lead- ership of our organizations and I am very supportive of and excited about the col- laborative effort between Jefferson and Orleans Medical Societies,” said Dr. Ger- shanik. “We are creating a vibrant, pro- gressive new organization that will help to improve the practice of healthcare in this region, and at the same time, it will advocate on behalf of fellow physicians, residents, medical students, and the pop- ulation we serve." In addition to collaborating on advoca- cy efforts, JPMS and OPMS leadership will also continue to work together to provide CME programs, value-added services, and social and networking events that help to build congeniality among medical profes- sionals in the Greater New Orleans area. Both presidents vow to look for opportu- nities to contribute to physician wellness to help reduce burnout. The two newpresidents insist that JPMS, OPMS, and their newly elected officials cannot do it alone, and strongly encourage New Orleans area physicians and medical students to become members of one of these societies, and join them in their mis- sion to improve healthcare in Louisiana. Dr. Busenlener and Dr. Gershanik ask that physicians, residents, and medical students follow news and updates about JPMS, OPMS, and their collaborative ef- forts on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. For additional information and to enroll online as a new member, the new presi- dents suggest that all visit www.jpms.org and www.opms.org . If your organization is interested in sponsoring upcoming physician events, contact Jodi Schwing, executive direc- tor, Jefferson Parish Medical Society, at email@jpms.org, or JimPittman, executive director, Orleans Parish Medical Society, at email@opms.org. n Tanya Busenlener, MD Juan Gershanik, MD