HJNO Mar/Apr 2020

52 MAR / APR 2020 I  HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF NEW ORLEANS COLUMN MEDICAL SOCIETY Jefferson and Orleans Parish Medical Societies Welcome New 2020 Presidents DRS. Tanya Busenlener and Juan Ger- shanik have hit the ground running in their new roles. Dr. Busenlener, a board certi- fied pediatrician in Metairie, Louisiana, has been practicing medicine since 1997, and joined the Ochsner Health Center for Children in the fall of 2010. She received a medical degree from Louisiana State Uni- versity School of Medicine in New Orle- ans, where she was elected to the AOA, the Medical Honor Society. She completed an internship and residency at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. Dr. Busen- lener served at vice president of JPMS in 2019. “I’m excited to accept my new leader- ship position during this most important time for Jefferson and Orleans Parish Medical Societies,” said Dr. Busenlener. “With the development of a new organiza- tion, we are hoping to provide more com- prehensive representation and support for area physicians and their patients in our community.” A neonatologist, Dr. Gershanik serves as medical director of the NICU at West Jefferson Medical Center. Dr. Gershanik served as president-elect of OPMS in 2018 and 2019. He received a medical degree Jefferson ParishMedical Society (JPMS) and Orleans Parish Medical Society (OPMS) are proud to welcome new leadership in 2020. Tanya S. Busenlener, MD, is now president of JPMS and Juan J. Gershanik, MD, takes the helm at OPMS. The two leaders vow to work closely together to continue building collaboration and synergy between the two associations to best meet the needs of physicians and those in training throughout the Greater New Orleans area.