HJNO Mar/Apr 2020

46 MAR / APR 2020 I  HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF NEW ORLEANS COLUMN CHILDREN’S HEALTH THE HIGH 5 PROJECT AIMS TO ADVANCE THE MENTAL WELLBEING OF LOUISIANA’S CHILDREN CHILDHOODmental disorders affect boys and girls of all ages, all ethnic/racial back- grounds, fromall walks of life, and in all re- gions of the United States – including New Orleans and across Louisiana. According to the National Research Council and In- stitute of Medicine report that gathered findings from previous studies, 13–20 per- cent of children living in the United States (up to 1 out of 5 children) experience a mental disorder each year. Even more concerning is the reality that today, less than half of those children and adolescents affected by mental or behav- ioral health disorders receive the treat- ment they need. With most lifetime mental illnesses starting by age 14, as with most medical conditions, the sooner treatment begins, the better the outcome is likely to be. These children, our children, have a harder time enjoying life, doing well in school, and forming relationships with others. We know that as children grow, untreated mental disorders or unmanaged stress and anxiety become even more se- vere. Each one of us has been impacted by mental health through a friend, family member, colleague, those we’ve cared for as healthcare professionals, or even our own struggles. We all know how difficult these situations can be. In each instance, we wish there had been more support— someone to talk to, or a place to seek help. The numbers say it all. Today, 7.4 per- cent of children ages 3–17 have a diag- nosed behavioral problem, 7.1 percent of children ages 3–17 have diagnosed anxiety, and 3.2 percent of children ages 3–17 have diagnosed depression. Today, children and adolescents are suffering from higher amounts of stress and societal pressures than ever before. As healthcare providers, we know that change doesn’t happen within the four walls of a hospital or clinic alone; chang- ing the dynamics of healthcare happens Children’s Hospital New Orleans launches the High 5 Project, a community-wide movement to meet the mental health needs of all children.