HJNO Nov/Dec 2019

48 NOV / DEC 2019 I  Healthcare Journal of new orleans column  Senior Health But, what exactly is cognitive fitness? In a way analogous to physical fitness, brain fitness is the state of brain health andmen- tal well-being that makes you “fit” for the demands of life and work. It’s not about IQ. It is a fundamental measure of the brain’s ability to function efficiently and effective- ly during work and leisure activities, to be healthy and resist disease. SharpBrains, an independent market re- search firm tracking applied neuroscience, states brain fitness grew out of the study of neuropsychology and neuroscience, and relies onmultiplemental and cognitive abili- ties and processes such as brain vasculariza- tion, neuroplasticity, and neurogenesis—the creation of new neurons. Cognitive abilities include things like attention, stress and emotional management, memory, visual/ spatial processing, auditory processes and language, and motor coordination. It also encompasses executive functions like plan- ning and problem solving, which diminish over time unless they are used regularly. Brain fitness can be protected and nur- tured by lifestyle, formal education, targeted practices designed to challenge important Getting in Cognitive Shape: The Power of Brain Fitness mental skills, and perhaps most important- ly, by being actively engaged in life. Paul Nussbaum, president of the Brain Health Center in Pittsburgh says the worst thing for older adults is isolation. When evaluat- ing a patient, healthcare providers should encourage healthy lifestyle habits, including mental stimulation, physical exercise, good nutrition, stress management, and sleep. Be aware of negative influences such as chronic stress, anxiety, depression, aging, decreas- ing estrogen, excess oxytocin, and prolonged cortisol, as they can decrease brain fitness, as well as general health. Brain fitness can be evaluatedwith behav- ioral measures such as memory, attention, concentration, executive functions, deci- sion-making, mental flexibility, and other cognitive capabilities. Scientists are also beginning to learn how to measure brain fitness physically, at the cellular and circuit levels, by studying neurogenesis and the functional connections of synapses and dendrites between neurons. One area of emerging neurotechnology focuses on brain imaging methods like the development of new recording capabilities inmultielectrode We are often reminded of the importance of physi- cal fitness is to our overall well-being, especially as we age. In the past decade or two, we have seen nu- merous books, articles, and initiatives, both lo- cally and nationally, that promote physical activity. Have you heard the term, “Use it or lose it?” That phrase commonly refers to the importance of exercis- ing your body and staying fit. Exercising the brain is just as important.