HJNO Nov/Dec 2019

dialogue 14 NOV / DEC 2019 I  Healthcare Journal of NEW ORLEANS   F ernando O. Rivera was appointed Director/CEO of Southeast Louisiana Veterans Health Care System January 11, 2015. He has served veterans for 30 years with VA. Immediately prior to this appointment, he was the director/CEO of the VA Capitol Health Care Network (VISN 5). Prior to that position, he served as director/CEO, Washington DC VAMC; director/CEO, Martinsburg VAMC; and acting director/ CEO, Overton Brooks VAMC; and various positions at the VAMC in NewOrleans. Recently, Rivera received the 2018 AMVETS Silver Helmet Award, 2017 Secretary of Veterans Affairs Outstanding Achievement in Service for Homeless Veterans, and the 2017 Employee Well- ness Award. He was awarded the 2017 Extraordinary Employer Support Award. In 2016, he was the recipient of the Federal Executive Board Outstanding Agency Head, 2015 Recipient of the Secretary of Defense Employer Support Freedom Award, 2014 VHAMentor of the Year Award, and 2012 VHA Preceptor of the Year. He is a recipient of a 2009 Meritorious Presidential Rank Award. Rivera earned a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering and a master of business administration degree from the University of New Orleans, where he was recently name the 2017 Distinguished Alumnus for the College of Engineering Award. He was named VA Engineer of the Year in 1993.