HJNO Mar/Apr 2019

54 MAR / APR 2019 I  Healthcare Journal of NEW ORLEANS column CHILDREN’S HEALTH We’re Better Together At Children’s Hospital New Orleans (CHNOLA), we understand the vital role that we play in shaping a better future for kids. We are uniquely positioned to elimi- nate fragmentation and bring together the best of the best in pediatric healthcare to challenge the status quo. Now is the time to transform how we provide healthcare for our kids. The consistent ranking of our state as one of the worst in child health outcomes does not match the rich culture and passion of the people of Louisiana. At CHNOLA, we are daring to say, no more. Children’s Hospital doesn’t take its mis- sion lightly.As the health experts for kids in Louisiana, we have an obligation to think big. We’re building something here in New Orleans that creates unmatched pediatric expertise and service capable of address- ing the major healthcare challenges that our kids and our communities are facing. Whether it is finding solutions to complex genetic conditions like cystic fibrosis or addressing social determinants of health, Children’s Hospital is unwavering in its commitment to doing what is best for kids. As the leader in pediatric academic healthcare for the state of Louisiana, Chil- dren’s Hospital is unapologetically chasing excellence. It is our obligation to do so. Our vision is to create environments of health that enable a better future for our children and our communities. Our state and country are facing a health cri- sis, and Children’s Hospital is responding with solutions. Part of the solution is to enhance pediatric educational and train- ing opportunities for medical students and residents in Louisiana. Fostering bet- ter teaching and training for our future healthcare providers is an important step in the right direction. Children’s Hospital is proud to be the only pediatric facility in the state of Lou- isiana to incorporate two academic pe- Children’s Hospital New Orleans, LSU Health New Orleans, and Tulane University School of Medicine join forces to deliver unparalleled care for kids across Louisiana.