HJNO Jul/Aug 2019

Healthcare Journal of NEW ORLEANS I  JUL / AUG 2019 55 For weekly eNews updates and to read the journal online, visit HealthcareJournalNO.com to introduce a unified brand that stands for com- munity, personalized and compassionate care, and the highest quality service for our patients.” LCMC Health leaders spent the past two years listening and learning from employees and patients to better understand what matters to them and to the communities the system serves— and what makes it unique. These conversations led to the creation of a new culture and brand that emphasize the system’s commitment to going “above and beyond in caring for people.” All hospitals will keep their legacy names to honor their unique roles in caring for New Orleans. The individual hospital logos themselves have been redesigned to reflect the system’s uni- fied brand. Ochsner Health System Opens InnovationHub in Lakeside Shopping Center Ochsner Health System (Ochsner) announced the opening of the Ochsner InnovationHub, a health and wellness experience that utilizes tech- nology to inform and empower people to lead healthier lives. The InnovationHub shares engag- ing health and wellness content through a vari- ety of devices and activities, including tablets, a 3-D hologram, and a nine-foot tall, curved, three- sided display from LG Electronics, believed to be the first-of-its-kind in the world. Located near Macy’s at Lakeside Shopping Center, Innovation- Hub’s features are free and open to the public. Ochsner’s InnovationHub will celebrate its grand opening with giveaways and special appearances by the New Orleans Saints and Pelicans May 27 – June 1. InnovationHub is staffed by a team of Innova- tionAmbassadors who guide visitors through 29 activities and experiences including: • Phone Soap – Disinfects cell phones using UV light. * Interactive Human Body Model – Shows the functions of the body’s organs, muscles, and skeleton. • Augmented Reality Experience – Takes visitors through a virtual visit experience. • New Orleans Saints Hologram – Hologram fea- turing a Saints player, with accompanying facts about performance-related fitness and nutrition habits. • Product Demo Bar – Showcases innovative, at- home products that improve health and well- ness including a Hydracoach Water Bottle, iHealth Scale, Ochsner Health Kit (Tyto), Kardi- aMobile EKG, and more. • Wellness Quizzes and Apps – Tests wellness IQ and provides personalized recommendations to meet health and fitness goals. • Behind the Scenes Videos – Shows scenes of Ochsner’s Optimal Hospital, walks visitors through a day in the life of a child life special- ist, and offers an inside look at artificial intelli- gence (AI) technology. • Career Exploration – Highlights innovative careers in healthcare via videos with Ochsner team members.  “Building a healthier community means that we need to provide education, resources, and technology to people outside of the walls of a hospital or doctor’s office,” said Warner Thomas, president and CEO, Ochsner Health System. “We’ve designed Ochsner’s InnovationHub to be approachable, entertaining, and interactive. We want people to walk away from a visit to the Hub feeling inspired to take small steps towards a healthier lifestyle.” The idea for Ochsner InnovationHub began in 2018 and was partly inspired by pop-up health clinics in retail spaces and experiential retail, which focuses on engaging the public versus sell- ing products. Thomas and Ochsner leaders saw an opportunity to connect with the community and create a healthcare experience that was fun, interactive and informative. Ochsner partnered with ThreeSixtyEight, Luminary Design Co., and LG Business Solutions USA to turn the idea into a reality. Healthgrades Recognizes STPH for Excellence in Patient Safety and Outstanding Patient Experience The leading online resource to find a doctor or hospital, Healthgrades has once again recog- nized exceptional performance at St. Tammany Parish Hospital. Released annually, the Healthgrades Patient Safety Excellence Award and the Healthgrades Outstanding Patient Experience Award recog- nize the elite top two percent of 4,500 evaluated Ochsner InnovationHub Lakeside