HJNO Jul/Aug 2019

52 JUL / AUG 2019 I  Healthcare Journal of NEW ORLEANS column medical society Where is JPMS Going? The role of JPMS in the community has been eroded by different interests. Some of those interests have been altruistic in na- ture; others for reasons that are unclear. The polarization of the society in Jefferson Parish has made it easier for healthcare to be fractured. In the past, many of the practicing physi- cians in Jefferson Parish were independent, worked out of small groups, and shared the brunt of the healthcare in our parish. Phy- sicians used to call each other frequently to discuss difficult cases. Now we communi- cate via email or terribly designed electronic medical records. Emergency room call was something we did to pay back society, with no questions asked, and no expectation of payment. Today, it is very difficult to find a physician to volunteer for ER call, or willing to be assigned to be on call for the emergen- cy room. Why is that? Today, the percentages are chang- ing, with a great number of physicians working for either public or private hos- pitals. These hospitals work under the mandate of their board of directors, and many times the mandates of individual hospitals are different and not in concert with their competing institutions. Why is that? The fracturing of medical care is ev- ident as primary care physicians very seldom follow their patients from child- hood to the end of life. Patients are ask- ing, “Why isn’t my doctor coming to see me in the hospital?”Why is that? The fracturing of society has driven healthcare in our parish and in our state to be extremely ineffective and terribly unaffordable. This year, Jefferson Parish Medical Society will be more proactive with local healthcare providers and various interest- ed parties. Our focus will be to go back to what we know works: 1. Access to simple and effective preventive healthcare for all 2. Identify and prevent what is causing our community to become ill 3. Re-learn how to listen to our patients, neighbors, friends, and family; Re-learn how to talk to other healthcare providers 4. Help develop alternative forms of health- care delivery 5. To promote more avenues for learning n Dr. Gabriel Rivera-Rodriguez received a medical degree from Universidad Nacional Pedro Hen- riquez Urena, Internal Medicine and Nephrolo- gy, at the University of Pittsburgh affiliated hos- pitals. Dr. Rivera-Rodriguez practices nephrology at West Jefferson Medical Center in Marrero. He is a present and past member of numerous boards and committees at West Jefferson Medical Center. Gabriel Rivera-Rodriguez, MD President Jefferson Parish Medical Society (JPMS) ThemandateofJeffersonParishMedical Society is“toassist in the advancement of medical science; to improve the delivery of medical care in Jefferson Parish; to provide timely health education and information to the people and physicians of Jefferson Parish; to render medical services to the people of Jefferson Parish in times of disaster; to further medical education; and to work with and support other medical societies of the State of Louisiana, the Louisiana State Medical Society, and the American Medical Association.” (JPMS, 2007–2019)