HJNO Jul/Aug 2019

Healthcare Journal of NEW ORLEANS  I  JUL / AUG 2019 49 Ellis Arjmand, MD, MMM, PhD Surgeon-in-Chief Children’s Hospital New Orleans sion, which was undetectable on imaging.  Hunter underwent a successful surgery in January 2019, and is now seizure free. Where previously there were no viable treatment options for patients like Hunt- er, there is now a safe, precise treatment that is delivering life changing results. Advancements in robotic neurosurgery not only allow us to solve previously un- treatable conditions, but to do so with an approach that reduces the risk of compli- cations and increases patient safety. With specialists and technology ded- icated only to improving the health of children, we are making a significant im- pact on the future health and wellbeing of patients like Hunter, and those with other complex medical conditions. It is a great privilege to care for many of the youngest children in the community, for the most medically complex, and for many who are medically fragile or otherwise vulnerable. From common procedures like tonsil- lectomy, to complex surgery for congeni- tal heart or craniofacial conditions, we are working to raise the bar in pediatric sur- gery so Louisiana’s children can receive the specialized care they need, close to home. n Dr. Ellis Arjmand was appointed Surgeon-in- Chief of Children’s Hospital New Orleans in Jan- uary 2019. Dr. Arjmand provides oversight of all surgical service lines and is responsible for de- veloping and implementing a strategic vision for the continued growth of high-quality surgical services. Dr. Arjmand is nationally known for his expertise in healthcare quality improvement and health economics, and for his research related to pediatric hearing impairment. Prior to joining Children’s Hospital, Dr. Arjmand served as Chief of Pediatric Otolaryngology at Texas Children’s Hospital, and Professor of Otolaryngology and Pediatrics at Baylor College of Medicine. Arj- mand also previously served as Professor of Oto- laryngology at the University of Cincinnati Col- lege of Medicine. He earned a bachelor’s degree, medical degree, and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree from Northwestern University in Chicago. Dr. Arjmand completed an otolaryngology resi- dency and pediatric otolaryngology fellowship at Washington University in St. Louis and St. Lou- is Children’s Hospital. He also holds a Master of Medical Management (MMM) degree from Carn- egie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. “Advancements in robotic neuro- surgery not only allow us to solve previously untreat- able conditions, but to do so with an approach that reduces the risk of complications and increases patient safety.”