HJNO Jul/Aug 2019

Healthcare Journal of new orleans I  JUL / AUG 2019 43 (k) Collaborating with licensed phy- sicians, dentists, and other health care providers in the management of health care (l) Performing additional acts which are recognized within standards of nursing practice and which are au- thorized by the board Highlighted are 14 a, g, and j because of their specific application to nurse super- visors, nurse managers and Chief Nursing Officers. It is the responsibility of all these individuals to manage the care of all pa- tients under their purview through proper assessment of patient care needs and the management and supervision of nursing care provided under their direction. When a healthcare institution becomes aware of an actual or suspected NPA violation by a RN or APRN, they are required to report it to LSBN. Although it is always better for the nurse to report the infraction them- selves directly to the Board, that responsi- bility does not relieve the employer of their duty to report. The NPA is further informed by the Louisiana Administrative Code, Part XL- VII. Subpart 2. Registered Nurses, Chapter 39. Legal Standards of Nursing Practice2. Those standards are found in §3903 - §3915 and include: • Collection and recording individual’s health status • Analysis of health status data • Priorities and actions for nursing care • Implementation of nursing care plan • Evaluation of nursing care plan • Continuous process of reassessment and modification • Professional performance When any staff nurse, manager, super- visor, director or Chief Nursing Officer becomes aware that any of these legal standards of nursing practice are being violated, it is their duty to report the vio- lation. LSBN defines failure to act in LAC XLVII. §3405 as “failing to report, through the proper channels, facts known regard- ing the incompetent, unethical, illegal practice, or suspected impairment due to/ from controlled or mood-altering drugs; alcohol; or a mental or physical condition of any healthcare provider.” Complaints can be filed online through the Louisiana Nurse Portal at https://lsbn.boardsofnurs- ing.org/complaint. Nursing promotes the welfare of the public through protecting, promoting and restoring health. Additionally, as pro- fessionals, we assist in the prevention of injury and illness. Our care extends to in- dividuals, families, communities, and pop- ulations. Not only do we have a commit- ment to alleviate suffering in the sick and injured, but our charge includes a commit- ment to changing policy and environments that threaten the health and well-being of our patients and clients. Nursing prac- tice encompasses any role or setting, and means that we serve the public in the pro- vision of healthcare, including our charge to protect the public through our ethical responsibility for fidelity that is truthful- ness and advocacy for our patients. n References Louisiana Revised Statutes. (1976). Chapter 11. Nurses. Part 1. Registered Nurses. 37:911 et seq. Louisiana Administrative Code. (1977). Title 46. Part XLVII. Subpart 2. Registered Nurses. Karen C. Lyon, PhD APRN, NEA CEO Louisiana State Board of Nursing “LSBN defines failure to act in LAC XLVII. §3405 as “failing to report, through the proper channels, facts known regarding the incompetent, unethical, illegal prac- tice, or suspected impairment due to/from controlled or mood-altering drugs; alcohol; or a mental or physical condition of any healthcare provider.”