HJNO Jul/Aug 2019
Healthcare Briefs relaxed, and comfortable for patients, which pro- vides them with an overall better experience. It really sets DIS apart from other imaging provid- ers,” Holmes said. DIS has locations in Metairie, Marrero, Slidell, and Covington. NewOrleanians Take Advantage of Free Health Screenings Free health screenings often save lives by dis- covering serious conditions that have no symp- toms. Recently, 145 people took advantage of the opportunity to be screened for the silent killer of abdominal aortic aneurysm at LSU Health- care Network. They also received an ultrasound screening for carotid artery disease, which can be an early indicator for possible stroke. Sponsored by Peoples Health, LSU Health- care Network, and AAAneurysm Outreach, these screenings are conducted throughout the community. “This is very helpful to retired people and we appreciate the service,” one participant said. “Found an issue with carotids so it was good,” another commented. Of the 145 people, three were found to have abdominal aortic aneurysms, and were immedi- ately able to talk with vascular surgeon Malachi Sheahan, MD, who was on site. “This is such an important community event because there are no symptoms for vascular dis- ease,” he said. “These are people who would not have known that they have an AAA, which could grow, and rupture.” Additionally, two people were found to have moderate carotid artery disease. Abdominal aortic aneurysms can rupture, and are nearly always fatal. Ruptured abdominal aor- tic aneurysm ranks in the top 15 causes of death for men over age 65. Avala Offering Robotic- Assisted Surgeries for Certain Orthopedic Procedures Avala is currently the only healthcare facility in Louisiana offering robotic-assisted surgeries for total hip replacement, total knee replacement, partial knee replacement, and spine surgery. Avala Hospital installed the latest advancements from Stryker’s Mako Technology for orthopaedic surgery and a state-of-the-art Globus Excelsius- GPS navigational robot used in minimally invasive spine procedures. This technology will provide for faster, more accurate procedures and allow patients a shorter recovery period. Avala invited third grade students from Mag- nolia Trace Elementary School, Mandeville Ele- mentary School, and Mary Queen of Peace Cath- olic School to name the three robots. Avala and Globus toured the participating schools and pro- vided the students with the educational oppor- tunity to meet the ExcelsiusGPS spine robot and learn more about its capabilities. The students who participated in our contest submitted names for our robots and completed a worksheet where they were able to design/draw their own robot of the future, give it a name, and let us know how it would impact patients. Each winning third grade class was also awarded a pizza party. Name Our Robot Contest winners from the three schools included Magnolia Trace Elementary School, Jude Nunenmacher, Robot Name: Avalance; Mandeville Elementary School, Charlie Kingrea, Robot Name: Drew Knees; and Mary Queen of Peace Catholic School, William Authement, Robot Name: R2-Knee2. Tulane University School of Professional Advancement Partners with Center for Sport in Launch of Online Master of Professional Studies in Sport Studies The Tulane University School of Professional Advancement(SoPA) in collaboration with the Center for Sport at Tulane announced the offering of a Master’s degree and graduate certifi- cates in sport studies. The collaboration between SoPA and the Center for Sport provides students an opportunity to earn stackable certificates in a range of sport-related specialties through a flex- ible online program. Students choose among courses in their areas of interest to receive graduate-level certificates in sport administration, sport coaching, or sport security. These “stackable” certificates may be applied directly to the Master of Sports Studies degree. To receive an MPS in Sport Studies, stu- dents complete course work in two certificate programs of their choice, plus two required core courses, for a total of 30 credits. Touted as one of the fastest-growing job mar- kets in the United States, the sports industry offers a wide range of career opportunities. Those with a degree in Sports Studies would pursue careers Avala invited third grade students from Magnolia Trace Elementary School, Mandeville Elementary School, and Mary Queen of Peace Catholic School to name the three robots. Winners and their classmates are shown here.
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