HJNO Jul/Aug 2019
Healthcare Journal of New Orleans I JUL / AUG 2019 29 For weekly eNews updates and to read the journal online, visit HealthcareJournalNO.com meetings, and communications, including the esteemed Journal of Dental Education®, as well as the dental school application services ADEA AADSAS®, ADEA PASS®, ADEA DHCAS®, and ADEA CAAPID®. The board of directors is ADEA’s administrative body and is responsible for running the Associ- ation’s affairs between ADEA Annual Sessions. Gremillion served as chair-elect from 2018-19 and will serve as immediate past chair from 2020–21. Gremillion is a Louisiana native and 1977 grad- uate of LSU Health New Orleans School of Den- tistry. He is the sixth dean since the founding of the dental school in 1968 and the only alumnus to hold the position. LSU Health New Orleans School of Dentistry is the only dental school in Louisiana. From a national perspective, LSU Health New Orleans School of Dentistry is unique among the more than 65 dental schools in the United States because it offers degrees in dentistry, dental hygiene, and dental laboratory technology. By training students in all aspects of dentistry, the school has earned a reputation for outstanding clinical education. LSU Health New Orleans School of Dentistry faculty, residents, and students take care of patients at clinics throughout the state, provid- ing oral health treatment through an average of 100,000 patient visits a year. Outreach programs provide service and education for children and adults about oral health. Cardiovascular Institute of the South is First in LA to Use Basilica Procedure Dr. Peter Fail, interventional cardiologist at Cardiovascular Institute of the South (CIS), is the first in the state to use a new innovative cathe- ter technique called the BASILICA procedure for patients with aortic stenosis, or failing aor- tic valves. The BASILICA procedure prevents the concern of coronary artery obstruction during transcath- eter aortic valve replacement (TAVR). During the procedure, the interventional cardiologist weaves an electrified wire through the catheter and splits the failing valve’s leaflet in two, allowing blood flow into the coronary artery before the new valve is deployed. “This treatment option is a breakthrough, espe- cially for patients needing a valve-in-valve proce- dure,” said Fail. “It greatly decreases the risk of coronary artery occlusion during TAVR, ultimately leading to better outcomes for our patients.” DCHC’s Alfred Jordan is Honored as Health Care Hero Alfred Jordan, pharmacist-in-charge at the Metairie location of Daughters of Charity Health Centers, was honored May 13 as a 2019 New Orleans CityBusiness Health Care Hero dur- ing a ceremony at the New Orleans Museum of Art. Established in 2007, the event honors 50 healthcare professionals in the New Orleans area in six categories. Honorees are selected based on industry achievement and community involvement. “Mr. Jordan is an excellent communicator. His best communication skill is by far his ability to listen. He makes his patients feel important and respected,” said Dr. Raymond Strong, DCHC’s director of pharmacy. “Whenever there is a need or a void to fill within pharmacy, he is the first person to volunteer. He is a man of faith and strength, and keeps the entire team grounded. His knowledge and wisdom are respected across many departments.” DISWomen’s Center Earns Breast Imaging Center of Excellence Accreditation Awarded to breast imaging centers that achieve excellence by seeking and earning accreditation, the Diagnostic Imaging Services (DIS) Women’s Center in Metairie has become the first and only completely independent outpatient radiology practice in southeast Louisiana to be desig- nated as a Breast Imaging Center of Excellence (BICOE). The American College of Radiology (ACR) BICOE accreditation means the DIS Women’s Center is fully accredited in mammography, ste- reotactic breast biopsy, breast ultrasound (which includes ultrasound-guided breast biopsy), and breast MRI. With this accreditation, this DIS loca- tion has undergone and passed a comprehensive ACR assessment of the facility, including structure and outcomes. “One of our strategic initiatives at Diagnostic Imaging Services was to secure this accredita- tion,” said Michael Holmes, chief executive offi- cer at DIS. “It’s a tribute to the talent and exper- tise found at our Women’s Center and throughout the DIS family of imaging centers,” he added. Holmes said that being the first radiology prac- tice of its kind in the region to receive the BICOE means that physicians, patients, and other medi- cal providers can now select a BICOE facility that is not a hospital or hospital-owned imaging cen- ter. “Our outpatient environment is quieter, more Alfred Jordan, pharmacist-in-charge at the Metairie location of Daughters of Charity Health Centers. Photo courtesy of Brandon Walker Peter Fail, MD
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