HJNO Jul/Aug 2019

Healthcare Journal of New Orleans is mailed directly to the area’s healthcare leaders. If you are one of the few healthcare leaders who did not receive Healthcare Journal of New Orleans , you can find the current issue online or in most physician waiting rooms. And let us know— we’ll be glad to add you to the subscriber list. Just email us. subscription@ healthcarejournalNO.com of NewOrleans + ($ /7+&$5 ( - 2851$/ MARCH/APRIL 2019  I healthcarejournal no.com I $8 SCAntoSubSCRIbe PrSrtStD uSPoStaGe PAID uShealthcare journals USHealthcare Journals POBox 223300 PMB 167 Princeville,HI96722 One GeraldParton President&CEO BaptistHealth ImprovingCareby SharingSolutions Sweating ItOut Q&AwithSophiaL.Thomas PresidentElectofAANP on One of NewOrleans + ($/7+ &$5( - 2851$/ JANUARY/ FEBRUARY 2019  I HEALTHCAREJOURNALN O.COM I $8 CouldSIBOBe BehindIBS-like Symptoms? OneonOne KarenStubbsChurch LouisianaDepartmentofHealth Nurseson theMove YouHave thePower toSaveaLife of NewOrleans + ($/7+&$5( - 2851$/ NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2018  I HEALTHCAREJOURNALNO.COM I $8 NewOrleans’ PublicHealth OneonOnewith JenniferAvegno SCANTOSUBSCRIBE PRSRTST USPOSTAG PAID USHealthcare Journals USHealthcare Journals POBox 223300 PMB 167 Princeville,HI96722 THEARTAND SCIENCEOFSLEEP Q&AWITH HARRYCONNICK,JR.