HJNO Jul/Aug 2019

Editor’s Desk 10 JUL / AUG 2019  I  Healthcare Journal of NEW ORLEANS   Laura Fereday Managing Editor editor@healthcarejournalno.com Louisiana’s Drinking Age Dilemma Across the nation, states are battling substance abuse on an epic scale, and Louisiana is certainly in the battle. There have been increasing numbers of drug and alcohol related deaths among college students, some bringing national attention to our largest university. Not to mention the loss of purpose, depression, and suicide that often come from substance abuse. It is a healthcare crisis. Louisiana is unique in many ways, known for our culture of great food and great fun. We are also unique in our drinking laws. Louisiana allows those 18 to 20 to enter a bar, but not to be served alcohol. I suppose this was a well-intentioned effort to curtail alcohol consumption by those needing a bit more time to mature, without excluding them from the social scene al- together. A noble gesture. But there is a growing sense that we have created the perfect storm for these young people to experiment with dangerous drugs as a replacement for the alcohol they are pro- hibited from consuming in bars. Then there is “pre-gaming”, which is drinking before going out to the bars. This is not unique to Louisi- ana, but our 18 to 20-year-olds are perhaps more motivated toward extreme consumption to last them through the night. In combina- tion with drugs like Xanax, it’s a deadly game they’re playing. In effect, we have invited them to the big dance, but ordered them to sit on the side and watch everyone else dance. It is human nature to want what we have been told we can’t have, and since the beginning of time, we have found creative ways to get it. But the stakes are too high, and I can’t help wondering if we should either allow 18-year-olds to enter bars and be served a drink along with everyone else. Or perhaps, we shouldn’t invite them to the dance at all. “But there is a growing sense that we have created the perfect storm for these young people to experi- ment with dangerous drugs as a replacement for the alcohol they are prohibited from consuming in bars.”