HJNO May/Jun 2019
64 MAY / JUN 2019 I Healthcare Journal of NEW ORLEANS Hospital Rounds Families, and Habitat for Humanity East andWest chapters; and headed the delegation to the UN Commission on the Status of Women. She con- siders as her most rewarding role that of St.Tam- many Parish president, a role Brister has served in since 2012. In her capacity as parish president, Brister champions inherent strengths of the parish and brings its future vision to fruition through sound roads and drainage, water quality, utilities infra- structure, and her behavioral health initiative — Safe Haven. She has secured nearly $120million dollars in grant funding for programs and projects since her tenure began in 2012,most recently $25 million in federal dollars to spearhead the widen- ing of Interstate 12 near Covington. St. Bernard Parish Hospital’s Janice Kishner Inducted into Nursing Hall of Fame St. Bernard Parish Hospital (SBPH)’s chief clin- ical officer was recently inducted into the Louisi- ana State Nursing Association’s (LSNA) Hall of Fame.Janice Kishner was recognized for her sig- nificant contributions to the nursing profession at LSNA’s Annual Nightingale Award ceremony. Kishner is the first person to receive the honor since 2016. Kishner was nominated for the award by her colleagues, peers, and healthcare and business leaders from across the state. Her nomination consisted of nearly 20 pages of appreciation for her mentorship and contributions to caring for patients. “I’m humbled and honored to be recognized White is a past president of the Society of Cardi- ovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI) and a past steering committee chairman for the National Cardiovascular Database Registry’s (NCDR) carotid and peripheral revascularization efforts. He serves as editor for Progress in Car- diovascular Disease, associate editor for JACC Interventions and previously served as editor- in-chief for Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions. He graduatedAlpha OmegaAlpha (AOA) Honor Medical Society fromCaseWestern ReserveMed- ical School in Cleveland, Ohio and completed a residency in internal medicine and a fellowship in cardiology at Letterman Army Medical Center (LAMC) in San Francisco. St Tammany Parish Hospital Board of Commissioners Welcomes Pat Brister St. Tammany Parish Hospital Service District No. 1 Board of Commissioners welcomes Par- ish President Pat Brister as its newest member, after the loss of long-time board member Pizzie Romano, who passed away in December of 2019. “We are pleased to welcome President Brister to our Board of Commissioners,” said Chairman John Evans.“We look forward to having her valued perspective as our parish’s leader on the govern- ance board of our community hospital.” Brister has been a public servant for many years. She served eight years on the parish coun- cil; volunteered on the boards of St. Tammany Children’s Advocacy Center, Commission on depending on how well they are healing and based on physician’s orders.The iFuse System is intended for sacroiliac joint fusion for conditions including sacroiliac joint disruptions and degen- erative sacroiliitis. As with all surgical procedures and perma- nent implants, there are risks and considera- tions associated with surgery and use of the iFuse Implant. Physicians should review the iFuse Instructions For Use for a complete discussion of contraindications, warnings, precautions, and risks.Patients should discuss these risks and con- siderations with their physician before deciding if this treatment option is right for them. 1 Szadek, et al. Diagnostic Validity of Criteria for Sacroiliac Joint Pain. Journal of Pain, 2009: 10(4) 354- 368Deyo RA,Weinstein JN, Low Back Pain, N Engl J Med 2001: 344(5): 363-370 Ochsner Cardiologist Recognized by American College of Cardiology The director of theJohnOchsner Heart andVas- cular Institute (JOHVI) Christopher J.White, MD, FACC, FAHA, FSCAI, FESC, has been recognized by the American College of Cardiology (ACC) as a 2019 Master of the ACC Award for outstand- ing contributions to the field of cardiovascular medicine. Awarded annually, the Master of the ACC Award recognizes and honors fellows of the ACC who have consistently contributed to the goals and programs of ACC and have provided leader- ship in important ACC activities. To qualify, the honoree must have been members of the ACC for at least 15 years and have served with dis- tinction and provided leadership on various ACC programs and committees. Recipients are nom- inated by their peers and then selected by the ACC awards committee. White was recognized with this honor during theACC’s 68thAnnual Sci- entific Session this March in New Orleans. With more than four decades of experience, White has practicedmedicine inNewOrleans,San Francisco,Washington,D.C.,andGlasgow.In addi- tion to his role with JOHVI,White currently serves as the medical director of Value Based Care and system chairman for cardiovascular disease for Ochsner Health System and is professor and chairman of medicine and cardiology for the Uni- versity of Queensland Ochsner Clinical School. Christopher White, MD FACC, FAHA, FSCAI, FESC Pat Brister
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